Chapter 12 - Licking the Wound

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Error's POV

I carried Ink's motionless body from water. I had taken him to the beach away from the mountain. After laying him in the sand, I kneeled over him.

My eyes moved over his body. I could see his soul. Ink was still alive but his life force was slowly dwindling away. I grew scared, cupping Ink's cheek.

Me: Hang in there, love. I'm here for you.

I moved my hand over the wound that covered Ink's body. My magic coursed through my fingers before forcing water to float out of the wound.

Once there was no more foreign liquid in the body, I tore off a piece of my clothing. I wrapped it around the wound to stop the bleeding.

'This will have to do until I am able to get the proper equipment. Luckily this wasn't my favorite black and red kimono.'

I watched Ink's life force for a few seconds. It stopped fading which allowed me to release a sigh of relief.

I slid my arms under Ink and carefully picked him and his sword up. I wanted him to rest in a comfortable area, like my palace.

(Time Skip)

I stared at the ocean while sitting on the sand. I wasn't far from my temporary house however, I didn't want Ink to see the current state that I was in.

My anger increased and my blood boiled. An occasional dragon-like growl slipped from me. I couldn't stop thinking about the attack and the man that almost killed Ink.

'I should kill them all. Bite their heads off and rip out their organs.'

  I shook my head to stop my thoughts.

'You must not lose control. Ink is not ready to see the real you. Especially not the effects that mating season has on you.'

  I always hated mating season. It made me extremely protective over Ink and caused me to be overly aggressive. It even worsened my already uncontrollable appetite of a dragon. The final thing, it made me want to have intercourse with Ink.

'I would love to do that with Ink but... it's not the right time.'

  I groaned as I stood up. I was hungry and in need of fresh meat from the ocean.

  Transforming into a dragon, my real self, I dove in the water to catch fish to eat. I also needed some for Ink when he wakes up.


Ink's POV

  My eyes shot open as my breathing was fast. Flashbacks rushed across my vision.

  After realizing that I was no longer in danger, I calmed down.

  My body felt heavy and I was too weak to fight with it. The bed that I laid in was comfortable which didn't help in the slightest.

  I looked around at my surroundings. I was in an extravagant bedroom. There was a fireplace on the opposite side from the door.

  There was a desk and two bookshelves. Both of them had several scrolls and pieces of literature.

  The bed that I was laying in had a royal purple comforter and fluffy pillows. A stand was next to me, holding lit incense.

'No wonder why it's hard to get up. A soft bed and a sweet smell.'

  Suddenly, a noise came from the door. It opened to reveal Error. He was holding a tray. I couldn't make out what it had on it.

  He walked over to me, setting the tray on the stand. Once getting a good look, I saw that it was raw fish, sushi, tea, and medical supplies.

  He smiled at me as he sat next to my bed.

Error: Good morning, Ink. How did you sleep?

  I pushed myself up with some aid from him. There were bandages covering my entire body. Black blood stained the pieces of fabric.

Me: I slept fine but I feel restless.

  Error unwrapped the bandages before gently forcing me to lay down. He grabbed a small cloth and a bowl filled with sake.

After dipping the cloth in the alcohol, he pushed it against my wound. A stingy feeling ran through my body which caused me to wince in pain.

Error: It's okay lo... Ink. It will be over soon. I just need to clean it.

I was in pain during the entire time he put sake on my wound. It stopped when he was finally down. I released a breath. It felt I had been holding it for the past few minutes.

Error helped me up into a sitting position. He grabbed a pair of chopsticks before picking a small slice of raw fish.

He held out his hand towards my mouth for me to eat. I went to take hold of the utensils but Error pulled away.

Error: Save your strength, Ink. You need to heal. I'll feed you for now.

I felt my cheeks become warm. Opening my mouth, I put the fish in my mouth. After I finished the food and tea, I curled into the ball.

Me: This is the weakest I have been. I failed to protect the people.

Error was silent however, he suddenly pulled me into a hug. I was stiff and in shock but I relaxed in his arms. He was warm which for some reason made me like I was...

In the comfort of home

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