Chapter 5: The theory

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"It is proved that application of a theory can indeed benefit knowledge and understanding."

Leo hurries home with his mind on one thing...the trip to the cinema. He heads straight to his room, ignoring his mother's complaints about not using his tutor yet. As he gets inside and closes the bedroom door, Leo breathes out. His mind in turmoil. Should he ring and cancel? Should he give it another try? Maybe he was overthinking.

Leo felt like he needed to talk to someone. Someone who wouldn't judge. Who would give him impartial advice. He looks over to The PT, stood expressionless in the corner. Leo raises The PT's palm, joining his own with the tutors and watches the artificial life spark up. "Good afternoon Leo. Would you like a tutoring session?"

Leo sits on the edge of his bed in thought, pondering how to phrase the question he really wanted to ask. "Kind of... PT can you explain to me the physical reaction to an emotional response?" Leo hopes the formality of the question would somehow filter through, so as to mask the real question. Why don't I feel attracted to Anna?

The PT remains silent for a moment. The deep green irises of his eyes, turning like wheels as he processes the question.

"It would depend on the emotion in question." The PT replies..."For example, if a person experiences fear or a threat, a typical fight or flight mode can come into play, with the individual either using physical means to defend oneself, or to remove oneself from the supposed danger."

Leo takes it all in, nodding as he sucks his tongue into his cheek. "Ok, I think I understand...but how about an emotion such as...oh I don't know... love?" Leo tries to look innocent as he asks 'that' question, hoping he had found some kind of loophole to get The PT to answer.

The PT seems not to be phased by the question as it begins to speak..." When in love, neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin flood the human brain in areas associated with pleasure and rewards, producing psychological and physical responses like less perceived pain, an addictive dependence, and a stronger desire for sex with the intended partner."

Leo's eyes widen at the way The PT just comes out with it. But it was clear to Leo that what he should be feeling for Anna, he was most definitely not. Doing anything remotely physical just didn't feel right.

"I hope I helped with your studies Leo." The PT suddenly says, making Leo come out of his trance like state.

Leo nods back at The PT, but the truth was that he still had to go to the cinema with Anna. Calling up and cancelling would open up a can of worms amongst her friends and his too. What could he do?

Then it comes to him. This idea. This crazy idea. " PT, do you want to come see a film with me?"

The PT turns its head slightly to face Leo. The irises of its eyes, again turning as if to analyse the question as if it were complex. "The cinema is not on my data as a place of study."

"But what if I said that we weren't going because of a film. What if I said it was because of an experiment." Leo raises his eyebrows in hope that this new tact will somehow slip through the regimented net of order that the PT had about it.

"Experiment? Please explain." The PT replies.

"Ok..." Leo clears his throat. "So like I just asked the question about emotions and physical response, yeah? Well, we are going to analyse this over the duration of a cinema trip."

The PT again takes in what is being said. "It is proved that application of a theory can indeed benefit knowledge and understanding."

"Exactly." Leo agrees. "So come to the cinema with me."

"Ok Leo." The PT stands up and begins to walk towards the door. "Woah wait!" Leo says, hurrying to stand in front of the tutor, blocking its path. "You're not going dressed like that!"

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