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val stared in the mirror examining the gunshot wound on her body. she was disturbed by a knock on the door. she quickly put on her shirt and opened the door. "ready to meet the scariest family alive?" mia said. val laughed at mia's comment. "shutup". the two talked and laughed as they made their way towards the living room. val turned her head her smile dropped because she was shocked at whom was standing in the middle of the room. "great just great" val said. "um im gonna go"mia left the room basically running. no body said anything. everyone just stared at val waiting for her to do or say something.

val looked at billie with tears but mostly anger in her eyes. "really? you hate me that much you had to bring my brother into all of this?" billie just ignored her and looked the other way. val scoffed and looked at her brother. "don't blame her for me being here,i came here on my own val,now can you tell me why were you in prison?" . "no" val said bluntly making her way towards the door until a big man stepped infront of her.

"move or i swear to god i will slit your fucking throat and send your head to your wife." she said threatening the very big man. he looked at her with fear and moved. "val seriously?". "go fuck yourself spence". val went back to her room and just stared at the ceiling wondering why she is who she is and why she does the things she does. eventually she fell asleep.

*A couple hours later*

billie was laying down with a sleeping ari on her chest until she got a text from amy saying to come downstairs. she made her way towards downstairs. "hey there she is" tay said. "shutup" billie said. "someone's grumpy, what's on your mind bil" dani asked. "nothing just thinking about some stuff" she lied but none of them believed her. they left it alone because they know how billie is about her feelings.
"hey have any of you seen val" spencer asked. "no but she is upstairs in her room". "she's been in there for that long? jesus."

"i mean i don't blame her spence, you can't just expect her to welcome you with open arms after you basically disowned her as your sister. " amber said.
"i didn't do that" he said laughing. "you told her you wished she never came into your life and you told her that she just wanted attention after she told you she was raped. let's not forget that you said your little sister would never be so selfish and ungrateful after she told you she got a scholarship for the thing she loved the most."

Spence didn't want amber to be right but she was. He treated his little sister terribly. he always put her second and blamed her for things she could never do. "what am i supposed to do" he asked. "give her time,she'll come around eventually" dani said. spence just looked at the floor knowing he was guilty of disowning her. but why? why treat such a kind hearted person so terribly? why say those things to her? why? just why?

there's one thing spencer and his little sister have in common. they both will overthink a situation and ask themselves all these questions. spence closed his eyes due to the fact his head started hurting from thinking so much.


i woke up and looked at my phone. i was asleep all day. i sighed and rubbed my eyes. i went downstairs and saw everyone in the living room. I looked towards my brother and saw he had his eyes closed and was rubbing his temples. i walked towards him. "you okay spence?" i asked. his eyes shot open and he looked at me with a little smile. "yea i'm good just a little headache that's all" he responded. "you should sit down and drink some water before you pass out or something." he laughed and smiled at him.

i looked towards amber i was gonna say something to her but was interrupted by maggie billies mom. "there she is,val is it okay if i talk to you for a minute?" she asked. i looked at spence then at amber then back to maggie "um yea sure ofc" i said hesitantly. maggie led me to her office. "would you like some coffee?" "no thankyou"

"okay well then please,sit" i sat down.i was so nervous i couldn't keep eye contact with maggie. "ok i'm not gonna sugarcoat anything so,...where's your mom valeria" she asked. "i don't know" i said boldly even though i was scared to death but wasn't showing it. "now is not the time to play dumb val" billie said from behind me. "i'm not playing dumb"

billie sat down next to her mother. "val i know you know where your mom is so just tell me and make it easy" billie said. "i told you. i.dont.know" "STOP LYING" she yelled causing me to jump. "billie i already told you i haven't spoken to my mom in 4 years" i yelled back. "oh yea? so who's been doing her dirty work huh?" she said. "i don't know maybe you should ask your girlfriend she seemed to know a whole lot about my mom and your uncle"

"don't bring her into this" she said basically threatening me. "billie what is she talking about?" maggie asked. "nothing mom". "you sure it's nothing bil?" i asked billie with a smirk on my face. i looked at maggie. "ari knew exactly where the gun was dumped. the gun that killed your brother in law" i said to maggie. she was shocked but billie she looked pissed. "is this true billie?" maggie asked. billie was staring into my soul. "yea" maggie gasped. she couldn't believe her ears. "well for her to know that...that means she's the one who's been doing your moms dirty work val" maggie said. "yeah i kinda figured anyway. "what do you mean" billie asked.

"we'll long story short when i first met ari i opened up to her about everything. my mom,my brother,who my mom was and what she did, i remember ari saying something about the guy i killed. she said that he deserved it,that he shouldn't have stolen product from me and that my mom should've listened to me when i told her he raped me. but the thing is i never told ari that he stole product from me and i never told her that my mom wouldn't believe me. "

"why didn't you tell me this?" billie asked. "because i didn't think to much of it i just thought i told her that and didn't remember but i didn't" i said. "so you believe ari is working with your mom" maggie asked. "yea i do". "okay so how do we get your girlfriend to confess billie?" maggie asked. "i don't know" billie said still in shock of what she was hearing. i started to think.

"what if i tell ari that i'm working with you guys and you gave me a mission to go to a random place and handle some business then that way ari will contact my mom and let her know. my mom should show up or some of her men and try to sabotage my mission" i stated. "why do you think your mom will show up?" billie asked. "once she knows that val is working for the enemy she won't have much of a choice to kill her own daughter because she betrayed her. not only that but val knows her moms moves more than anyone."

"so that's the plan?" billie looked at me. "you do know that your risking your life if you do this right" billie said. "yeah but it's for good cause,i'll be fine" i said softly. "how do you know that?" billie said. "because i know you won't let anything happen to me" i said looking at her. billies face softened. her eyes sparkled and a little smile crawled onto her face. i smiled back but looked away because i got nervous. maggie chuckled. "thankyou valeria for cooperating with us and telling us this,your no longer the enemy. your brother was right" i looked at maggie with a confused face. "your nothing like your mother if anything your better than her" i smiled at maggie's kind words.

"now if you'll excuse me i have a sick husband to take care of." me and billie both laughed. "tell patrick i said get well" i yelled at maggie before she left out the door. "will do" she yelled back. i looked back at billie we made eye contact.i got up and made my way towards the door. but turned around seconds later. "billie i-"

"i think i'm inlove with you val"

i froze.speechless and full of emotions.i didn't know what to say or do. my heartbeat grew faster my head started pounding.my vision got blurry. next thing i knew everything just went black.

i fainted.


i made this chapter kinda long because yk why not. how y'all feel about this story so far hmm?

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