~Chapter 29~

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"I-I'm scared", I softly muttered into Dami's chest out of the blue.

I don't know why exactly I told him that, but I just felt like sharing my feelings with him.

But honestly, I feel so safe in his arms, that I felt like telling him everything I was feeling right now.

"Of what? baby", he asked his voice a bit alerted as he brings me even closer.

"I-I'm scared...I'm scared of what my parents will do.... once I go back home.....", I start but stop as I started overthinking my words.

I don't want to sound like a scared crow....or worst a coward.

I wanted to look smart, confident, and brave in Dami's eyes....all of which I wasn't in reality.

I wish I could be a bit brave and not a stupid little girl-

"Go on, sunshine. I won't judge you. Keep Going, I'm listening", he said interrupting the bad thoughts as he slowly made small soothing circles on my back with his thumb, almost instantly calming me down completely.

"I'm scared that they won't let me go outside the house like before.....I'm scared mom will lock me inside that small room like she had done several times before.....I'm scared I'll never meet you again, I'm scared! I'm scared! I'm scared! I'm so tired of being scared!", I said finally getting it off my chest, and, as pathetic as I'm always am, I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

Crying into Dami's shirt, I hide my face into his chest as he brings me even closer to him.

"Sunshine, you don't have to worry about anything, I'm here...I won't let them do anything to you, you get that. Even if it means for me to leave... I'll leave but I won't let them do anything to you. I'll take all the blame you don't have to worry.", he said caressing my hand.

"You don't understand Dami! It's all over, now nothing can be done! It was my fault, I didn't listen to them and now I have to face the consequences. They are first going to remove me from school, then they just going to lock me up in that house. Last time when I didnt do as they had instructed, I didn't get food for a week and I wasn't allowed to go outside the room.....", I finished saying only to look up and see the sad look in Dami's eye.

Focky... I messed everything up!!!

Dami was already so sad and hurt because of everything that happened before now...now my Dami is sad because of me

"You don't need to feel sad for my Dami, I knew what would happen if I disobeyed, I knew it, so I know I deserve it... please don't feel sad about something that is clearly my fault."

"Please Smile for me again.... pretty please~" I sing softly trying to make him smile again.

I hate seeing him sad, and if the reason behind his sadness was me, then it's even worst.

"No baby you're wrong, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, they are wrong and we should inform the authorities about them, they are clearly mistreating you."

"I can't, you don't understand...it is my fault, I can't do anything."

"How do you expect me to smile when you just revealed that your parents are h-hurting you...they hurt you and I couldn't even help y-ou...", He said his voice cracking in the end.

" Oh my Dami, you are so innocent... look at you naively misunderstanding everything...they never did any such thing, they love me that's why they did those things, they were just teaching me a lesson."

"But... Baby, no parents starves their kids to teach them a lesson. They are clearly mistreating you, you should go to the police", He replied frantically targeting my parents which annoyed me.

"Dami, my parents are just strict, they just care for me as I'm the only child. Anyway, how would you know, you are adopted after all", I said frustrated angrily pushing Dami away but immediately regretted it as I saw the look on his face.

"D-Dami, I didn't mean it-"

" It's okay sunshine, you're correct....how would I-I know. After all, I'm just an adopted child...how would I know what it feels to have a real family...I-Im sorry.", He said turning away from me.

"Dami ...Dami, please listen to me. I didn't mean it, really...I'm so sorry... Please forgive me. I shouldn't have said something so personal to you. I'm so sorry.", I pleaded as I felt myself break into a soft sob.

Please, please, please, please.... I can't lose my Dami, please.... someone help me right now

"H-Hey Sunshine, please don't cry. Everything is okay. You got nothing to worry about, it's all good....See, I'm even smiling, look.", He said smiling at me.

"Really everything is okay, pinky promise?", I asked still not convinced that he had forgiven me.

"Yes, pinky promise.", He replied curling his gaint pinky finger with my tiny one.


It's been hours since we just laid in each other's arms, silently enjoying each other's presence.

Honestly at this point, if he brings me any closer to him....I might as well get blended into him..... But truthfully I wouldn't mind it (>o<)

Best part was, we didn't even have to say anything, just being together was enough.

"Dami?", I asked tilting my head to look at him, finally breaking the silence.


"Are you still angry at me?"

"Sunshine, I was never angry at you, I don't think I can ever be angry at you. So don't stress too much on unimportant thought", he replied caressing my face as I rested my head on his chest again.

" But-"

"Forget all that, and tell me what is you biggest goal in life", he interrupted, which truthfully I'm grateful for him for doing so as it helped me stop thinking about all those bad thoughts.

"My dream is to do everything teenagers our age do, which I missed out on growing up.... which is everything. Eating all the food I want, without mom or Dad putting at those restrictions. Also the last but the main one, making as many friends as I can. All my life being technically locked inside my house, all I ever wanted was to make some friends so I didn't feel that lonely and alone...so I could share my feelings, thoughts and have the best moments of my life with them. That's all I want in life.", I said looking up only to see tears in Dami's eyes.

"I promise you I'll make all those dreams come true. Even if it means that I have to be just your friend for this entire life time.", He said caressing my face.

My eyes widened at his response!

Does that mean Dami finally agreed to be my friend!!!

"Really? You want to be my Best friend?", I asked impatiently as I could feel the excitement bubbling inside of me.

"Yes, sunshine. I would love to be your Best friend", he replied as I squealed in joy.

"Shhh, we are in the hospital. No more squealing or screaming.", he warned as I quickly quietened down but didn't stop doing my happy dance in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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