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Today , I was invited in SR Schools as chief guest.

Children gave me bouquets and teachers welcomed me. It ended really well . I gave a speech at the end of the annual function.

“Thank you so much Mr. Malhotra for accepting our invitation and giving your valuable times to our children's performance and joining with our happiness. ” The principal thanked me. They asked me that they will leave me till gate but I denied saying to take care of the children who were standing infront of principal office.

I came out and noticed Aaryan sitting on the bench that was infront of the staff room. I saw him sitting with a frown looking down at his lap. I decided to walk near him. My heart literally ached when a drop of tear fell from his eyes.

I stood infront of him. He raised his head and then I meet the red puffy eyes. I kneeled,“Aaryan !” he sniffled ,I cupped his face ,“Why are you crying ? Someone said you something ?” I asked worriedly.

A teacher suddenly came out of staff room “Sir , sorr-”I showed my palm signalling her to stop. She instantly shut up and walked inside , hesitantly. Aaryan wiped his tear still not uttering a single word.

I sighed and sat beside him,“buddy , if you won't say me ! How will I know why you are sad ?” I exclaimed. He sniffled,“Did you see my dance ?” , “Hmm..you know ,I was just watching you only !” I stated grinning. He looked up at me,“really ?” I nodded,“you were at the second row , right ?” he bobbed his head positively with a huge smile and wiped away his tears.

“Now you will have to say me . Why are you upset ?” I quizzed with concern. “My sister promised me that she will come today to see my dance but she didn't. She didn't even come to take me. I think she forgot me!” he cried . I picked him up , he promptly wrapped his hands around my neck while shedding tears on my shoulder. I rubbed his back and cooed,“Aww.. don't cry buddy . She must be busy somewhere .”

I asked his teacher furiously,“What about his sister or parents ? When they will come to pick him ? Where are they ?” , “We have no idea , sir! We are trying to reach them , we called them but haven't got any answer yet!” she said.

“Aaryan , can I drop you at your home ?” I queried. He looked away and gulped ,“Trust me ,buddy !” I said softly . He agreed . Informing the teacher , we left. I asked the driver to drive to the adress we brought from the teacher.

We stopped infront of a house. The area wasn't much great but okay. I pressed the bell of the house but no one heard. I heard yelling sound from inside making Aryan jump. Then I heard a familiar fainted yelp,“ahh..!”

“H-He i-is h-h-hurti-ing . Di- hu .” Aaryan started whimpering some words which honestly I didn't understood . “He? Hurting? What you want to say ?” I asked him with confusion . He just pointed at the door and cried.

Something was fishy so as soon as I heard yelling again , I push broke the door. In one push only the door fell broken ,it was so weak.

I glanced inside , the view infront of me dropped my heart to my stomach. I froze ,“Anaisha.” a whisper left my mouth.

Anaisha was lying down on the floor and man was standing on her hand. He was continuously stomping on her hand while blabbering. I pushed him away ,“move away bastard !” I threw a punch on his face.

I bended and kept Anaisha's head on my hand and patted her cheeks ,“Anaisha , please open your eyes .”

My heart started hammering,“Sweetheart , please open your eyes !”

After lots of trials also she never opened her eyes. I took her to hospital and informed Pratik to come there . Ankit going to babysit Aaryan.

I hope Anaisha is fine. “Shubham , don't worry . Everything will be alright!” Pratik assured me.

Soon the doctor came out of the ICU . We barged to him,“Doctor , how's she ?” I asked. “She is now fine but-”he paused. “Mr. Malhotra can you please follow me to my cabin . I want to talk about something important.” he exclaimed rubbing his forehead. “Is everything alright ?” I questioned anxiously.

“I can't say here.”


“What's wrong doctor ?”

“First I want to ask you few things . Is she married ?” he quizzed . I shook my head negetively,“No and why?”

“It's serious Mr. Malhotra . Ms. Sharma was being abused .” he exclaimed. I got up in fury and shock ,“What ?”

“Calm down Mr. Malhotra. She was being abuse . I couldn't find out since when but she was. There are many bruises in her body . Some are fresh and some has healed but not properly . We also found burnt marks. There are few cuts which are done by glasses . And more things like that . There are many belt marks.” he sighed ,“SHE HAS BEEN PHYSICALLY ABUSED !” he stated.

I felt someone snatched the ground under my feet. She was being abused? By whom ? Wait..that man. Is he ?

I run my hand in my hair with frustration. “Her fingers of right hand are fracture. I highly recommend you to take care of her. She need more nutritions in her body. She wasn't taking her meals properly , I guess. If she gonna continue neglecting this way then it won't end in a good way ! And Mr. Malhotra ,I doubt , if she will wake up or not. There are high chances of her slipping into coma as there are some injuries on her head too.” he replied leaving me alone in his cabin.


Ignoring the fact ,Pratik calling my name , I slipped in Anaisha's room. I felt devasted by looking at her lifeless body with wires attached on her hands. A drop of tear escaped my eyes . Without my acknowledge ,my leg walked to her bed. I sat and took her hand on mine.

“Why Anaisha ?Why ? Why you hide everything from me ? We were friends right ? We promised to share everything with eachother , right then why ? Didn't you have trust me ?” I sobbed and rested my forehead on out entangled hand ,“Please get up soon . Why are you making me more restless ? I can't even think of my life without you . I love you !”

~to be continued~


Words : 1070
Published : 6 Dec 2021

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I won't able to post for two weeks , my unit tests are starting. Sorry readers !

Have a great day!




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