Chapter Two: Daddy's girl part 2

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"Phew!" I sighed as the last bag was in the trash heap. I shivered as the night breeze blew through my clothes, flapping in the wind as a dog barks in the background. I crossed my arms as headed back inside pausing as I saw someone standing inside.

"Daddy?" I was immediately alert, ready to run if it was someone else. 

"Where were you?" The figure turns around, turning out to be Daddy smelling strongly of beer. "I told you to clean up the house!" He shouts, throwing a bottle at me.

I flinch as it shatters besides me and sent glass across my skin.

"I-i'm s-sorry Daddy." I tried to swallow the strange lump in my throat, covering the cuts on my arm. "I t-took out the trash..." My voice went quiet as he stood before me, heavily breathing and I could feel his eyes on me. 

"Clean up that mess. We're going somewhere."

I nod as I picked up the glass, wincing a little as it sliced my fingers. 

"Give me your hand." Daddy orders as he zipped up his coat. I hesitate for a moment, remembering that it was bleeding. "I said give me your hand." 

Daddy huffs and grabs my hand before pulling me along, slamming the door behind us. 


I followed Daddy through crowded walkways and dark paths until we stopped at a large building with people standing around as music blared out from inside. 

I couldn't help but stare as we entered a large room full of people and flashing lights. Daddy yanks on my arm as I struggled to keep up with him.

As we weaved through the room I made eye contact with a strange person. Their hair was pure white with a long dress that covered them from head to toe, completely different then the clothes that others were wearing. 

Their expression was unreadable as I stared back, everything fading until I'm jerked off my feet as Daddy tried to yell over the loud music, his face red with anger. 

I instinctively flinch as his face came closer but he shakes his head and continues to pull me along with him. Daddy heads towards a door with two big men standing on either side as one opened the door for us; revealing a long dark lit hallway.

Daddy goes through first, instantly covered in shadows causing me to pause before I went through the door.

"What are you doing?" I hear him snarl in frustration but I couldn't move. An indescribable feeling went through me as I stared down the hallway- a feeling of fear and dread, like when I didn't know what Daddy was going to do when I woke up the next day.

I thought about shaking off Daddy's hand and trying to run but where could I go? I don't have anyone but Daddy.

I reluctantly allowed Daddy to pull me into the hallway, flinching at the sound of the door closing. 


"Is this the kid?" A man's voice comes from the large chair as we entered the room at the end of the hallway.

"Y-yes Sir." Daddy stammers, pushing me forward towards the man. "This cancels my debt right? Bring you the kid?"

"Until you make the same mistake later." His fingers snap as some men grab ahold of my arms, pulling me up onto my feet. "Does it have a name?"

"I called her Baby girl. I never bothered to give her a name." Daddy's eyes gleamed with greed as another man opens up a box filled with money. "She's not even my kid."

"Daddy?" I called out to him as I was pulled into another room. "Daddy! Daddy!! D-don't leave me Daddy!!"

"I ain't your Daddy." Daddy says uninterested before turning away and leaving out the same way we had entered. 

"Daddy! Daddy!" I cried out, trying not to cry. "I-i'll be good Daddy, I promise!! P-please don't leave me!"

"Shut that kid up." The man in the chair says causing one of the men grabbing me to suddenly backhand me in the face.

I struggled hard against the men but it did not do a thing against them. I ended up getting dragged along until I was thrown into a metal cage.


I slumped against the cold metal bars after I spent a long time crying out for Daddy to come get me; there was no use.

'Maybe if I wait here, Daddy will come get me soon.'

I waited and waited, I don't know how long I waited. There was no windows anywhere to tell time.

I started wishing for the small dark closet that was my room, even the metal chest. 

I tried not to doze off so that I wouldn't miss Daddy coming to get me but I couldn't stop my eyes from getting heavy. 


I woke up to the cage being hit.

"Get up." A different man says gruffly, glaring down at me. I quickly stood up- maybe Daddy was here to come get me. 

"Give me your hand."

I hesitate in giving it, causing the man to sigh and roughly grab my hand as he opened the cage door. 

"Follow me."

The man pulls me along behind him until he makes me climb onto a metal box and ties my leg to a metal pole looked like it was coming out of the box.

"Don't move."

The man moves over to a stick stuck in the ground and pulls back on it causing the box that I was on to start moving upwards. 

A door opens above me, white light blinding my eyes as loud cheering could be heard. The metal box shutters beneath my feet as I tried to get used to the bright lights and loud noises. 

A man's voice echos in the large space that I was now in and I could see lots of people cheering and screaming. I looked around and saw doors lining the walls, forming a large circle with the people up above the walls looking down.

"And it looks like door number five has been chosen! Let's see how this one makes it!"

I look towards the door with the large number five painted on it while my body starts to tremble as it opened, hearing dogs growling and snarling from the other side.

Five dogs scramble out from underneath the door, sniffing around for a moment before spotting me. All the dogs lunge towards me; opening their mouths and showing long sharp teeth before biting me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as a dog bites my arm and another one bite my shoulder, tearing into my skin. "H-help!! Daddy!!!" 

Cheers could be heard as the dogs continued to bite me and I saw that there wasn't a single person who was willing to help me at all.

I opened my mouth to scream again as the largest dog jumped towards me, all of it's weight falling on top of my body which causes me to fall backwards and land onto the metal pole.

I could feel the pole passing through me like a knife as pain spread across my entire body. I couldn't move anymore.

The dog that pushed me down stood over me before baring it's teeth and bites my throat. Blood drips from it's mouth onto my face as it pulled away  

My thoughts start to fade as the lights become brighter and the pain seems to go away.

'I wanna go home....' Was my last thought.

The Demon King said to call him PapaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant