Part 2

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We ended up at a little coffee shop on the corner which I'm guessing was going to become my local and we ordered then sat down,

"You said you moved a lot?"he asked and I put my cup down and swallowed the drink in my mouth

"Oh right Yea...well not a lot but once when I was so young I don't remember because my brother was born, then when I was like 10 and then Again when I was like 15 and now now!"I replied and laughed

"Did you have a favourite?"he asked and I smiled

"Umm I don't really know I associate different things with each one the one we moved into when I was 10 is the one I remember growing up the most in, but the one at 15 is like my teenage years so..."I rambled then told myself to shut up

"Siblings?"I suddenly blurted

"Hm?"He questioned

"Do you have any? I mean!"I replied blushing from awkwardness

"Oh right Yea I have 3 brothers paddy is the youngest and twin brothers...they're twins I'm the eldest!"he spoke with his hands which I liked

"Did you have a favourite?"I mocked his question

"Well I associate them with different things!"he continued mocking

"Fuck you!"I joked

"Younger brother?"he then asked me and I nodded

"Yea! That's it tho!"I replied and he nodded as we continued to small talk for a while until we headed back and continued unpacking before going to bed,

I lay there thinking of everything before remembering Jack

"Shit!"I whispered then replied

Me: hey, yea unpacking took forever!

Jack: clearly...

Me:what's that supposed to mean?

Jack: nothing!

Me: sorry it took so long to reply I was hanging out with my roommate!

Jack: what's she like?

Me: he's nice yea

Jack:I didn't know you were moving in with a he?!

Me: neither did I until a few hours ago...

Jack: oh ok then...I'm about to head out so I'll call you tomorrow ok?

Me:yea, yep of course

And now I was mad, what does he mean HE?! Ugh sometimes I hate him,

Me: I can see why your gay!

Jo: if your hitting on me I've got a girlfriend

Me: ha ha no!

Jo: what has the male species done now?

Me: *exists*
Me: and but that I mean, *Jack exists*

Jo: ohh I told you long distance would be tricky

Me:ummm when did you say that? Because all I heard you say was "sounds sensible!"

Jo: exactly "sensible" no relationship...well good relationship is "sensible!"

Me: anyway how is Maisy? 😏

Jo: nope your not changing the subject! What did Jack do?

Me: Ughh he just got mad I took a long time to reply and that I'm living with a guy...

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