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Jude's pov

I look across our living room to find my mother. My gaze wanders around the room full of people dressed in white.

They all look the same.

Except for her. She will always be the one who stands out.

My eyes never move away from her and it feels like time has stopped.

I didn't know she was coming.

I'm still looking at her.

Every time I think I can live without her, she reappears and I'm back to square one.

I'm 23 now, but I feel like a 15-year-old boy who fell in love for the first time and has butterflies in his stomach every time he sees her.

"Come on, let's get the present for your mother," Gio interrupts me from my thoughts.

I turn my gaze from her and look at Gio and Erling standing next to him.

Actually, I don't know why my mother invited them to her birthday too. Probably just so that me and Jobe don't get bored, because otherwise there are almost only older people running around here.

I quickly glance at my watch to see if it is really that late already.

Almost 0 o'clock.

I nod at them, but look back first to see if she is still standing there. But no, she is no longer there.

I feel the pain that settles in my chest every time I'm afraid she'll leave again.

I am the first to congratulate my mother. I give her my present and give her a big hug.

She doesn't open the presents yet, but puts them on an empty table at the back.

By the time almost everyone has finished congratulating her, the table is completely full.

All the people are finished now and have turned back to their own things, they are talking again, laughing, drinking and listening to the music.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you a present, I'll make up for it," I hear Leya say to my mother.

I turn to them and see them hugging each other.

"No, please don't. You coming tonight was the best present you could have given me," she says and smiles at them.

She will still buy her a present. I know it.

"Did you know she was here?" Erling suddenly asks me, who has just appeared next to me.

How long has he been standing there?

JB and Me | jude bellingham Where stories live. Discover now