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I arrived back home after dropping Ivory and helped Azra set up for her hangout.

I still don't see the point of this thing and why she's so excited about it.

I didn't say this though.

Clearly Aaron also wasn't into it.

I was happy that I was gonna see my friends again but something I wanted above that is sleep.

Nessa arrived first without Ethan, she said he had to run an errand for their dad, he'll show up late.

She helped set up and finally everything was arranged and set.

I went up to change into a black sweatpants and a small yellow top.

I was so tired.

I stayed in my room till I heard voices downstairs.

I went downstairs to see a bunch of people (some I didn't even know) occupying the living room/hallway.

"BESTIE!!" A voice screamed gaining everyone's attention.

I turned and Ashley flung herself on me.

We both fell.

"Hey boo! I missed you!" I chuckled.

"I missed you more!" Another voice said crashing on I and Ash.

"Oh my effing GOSH! Ivannnn!! You're so heavy, all those God damned muscles!" Ashley screamed using all her strength to separate us so we all lay apart from each other.

"Rora we missed you so much!" Ash said with a sigh.

"I missed you both too much." I looked at them smiling.

"You haven't changed a bit. You look healthier though." Ivan noted squinting at me.

"Thanks. You look good too." I smiled.

"C'mon let's stand up, you have a lot to tell us about and I have a lot to tell you about." Ash said pulling herself up then helping Ivan then me.

We walked to the kitchen and got blue solo cups with my sister had filled with slightly spiked mixed drinks.

We sat around be counter and I told them about my trip.

Ethan, Ivory, Nessa, Tanner and the rest.

They were so excited.

"So are you and Ethan a thing?" Ivan asked.

"Uhm...I don't know. He's my baby daddy and I love him and he loves me." I shrugged.

"Hm...cool." Ash nodded with a smile on her lips.

"Cool." Ivan added taking a sip of his drink.

"Very cool" Ash said again also taking a sip from her cup.

"Super cool" Ivan added.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"I'mma go greet others when y'all are done, call me." I said and they laughed and followed me.

We said hi to a bunch of other friends of ours and chit chatted here and there but nothing real.

Nessa joined us and I officially introduced her to my best friends.

They loved her hyper-ness.

By 30 minutes past 1pm, Ethan arrived.

Azra was the one who let him in, he wandered into the kitchen and on seeing me his eyes lit up.

It was just me and this other weird dude in the kitchen.

"Hey" I smiled walking up to him.

He wrapped his arm around me and placed a feather kiss on my forehead, then my nose and my lips.

"How're you doing? Did you get any rest?" He asked.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Azra won't let me." I said.

"Wanna hang in your room?" He asked.

"We'll have to pick Ivory." I said.

On the way back home after picking up Ivy.

"We don't spend that much time with her.." Ethan suddenly stated.

I frowned thinking about the statement.

Don't we?


In fact most of our trip, she wasn't with me.

She was always with someone.

Either with Aaron or Laura or Azra.

"Yeah..." I agreed after a while.

"What do you think about moving in together?" He asked.

My head snapped over to him.

His eyes didn't waver from the road.

"It has never crossed my mind actually. It would have been awesome, just three of us but are we ready for it? It's like moving to quick. I know we practically shared the same room for 3 weeks but...we frequently saw the others." I said.

"I get you but I think we can do it and we'll do fine. We'll be sponsored obviously by our parents but we have a daughter...I think it's best we get real. I want an appropriate family." He said.

I thought of the fact that we weren't even dating and he's talking like we are about to get married.

I frowned in slight disapproval.

"I understand. For now though, let's go on this way, we'll think about it and I'll tell my parents. But I think we should build more on her relationship with each other before deciding if we can actually go to that level of things. You know things will get...actual when we begin to live together?" I said and he nodded.

"Agreed..you need time to think about it and to talk to your parents and you want our relationship to be stronger than what it is now, before we can move to that level of things. Am I correct?" He asked.

I nodded glancing behind at ivory who was running a temperature when we picked her up from the creche.

She is now fast asleep in the car seater.

She looked to adorable. I watched her tiny body rise and fall as she took breaths.

My little angel.

I'm so sorry I haven't spent much time with you.

I pouted slightly at my thoughts and turned back to the front.

"You okay?" Ethan asked and I nodded.

He frowned but didn't question me further.

We arrived at home and it seemed like Azra's hang out was now a full party.

How did she invite so much people?

I don't even have that much contacts on my phone.

Ethan unbuckled and picked ivory up after parking his car and we went through the back door where no one was.

We went up to my room unnoticed.

I and Ethan hanged out in my room for the rest of the day.

We were talking, watching movies, making out, playing with Ivory when she wasn't sleeping, arguing, eating from my secret snack stash which is no longer secret.

We were interrupted twice by Ashley then by Azra but asides that...

I had an okay day.

That night...✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat