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Mo Cheng called nearly a week later, on a Friday. At that precise moment when the phone started ringing, Sun Fang was in the middle of brushing his teeth. He swore with his mouth full of ladder as he heard the phone ring, mumbling something he hoped his butler would hear. Meanwhile, he hurried to spit out the toothpaste.

His butler's footsteps walked passed the bathroom and toward the living room, where Sun Fang had left his phone, arrogantly believing nobody would try to contact him while he did something as mundane as brushing his teeth. But called they had, and now it was his ever mindful butler to the rescue!

Sun Fang opened the door, listening with half-an-ear when his butler picked up the phone. He couldn't really hear what anyone was saying but soon enough, his butler started walking in his direction.

He quickly brushed over his teeth and spit out the resulting mess, making sure it was all out. He finished just as his butler reached the bathroom and stopped in the doorway, holding Sun Fang's phone out. Sun Fang picked it up, frowning at his wet hands, and pushed the phone onto his shoulder, trying in vain to keep it stuck in that position with his head while he quickly dried his hands on a fluffy towel.

"Hello?" he muttered while he worked, trying not to dislodge the phone.

"Sun Fang?" someone asked, their voice hesitant.

Sun Fang himself finally managed to dry his hands enough to rescue the phone slipping from his shoulder. "Yes?" he asked, not recognizing the voice.

"It's Mo Cheng," the voice said. Sun Fang started, having begun to think the man wouldn't contact him. He even brought his phone down just so that he could blink confusedly at it. Then he quickly brought it back up to his ear when Mo Cheng continued, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Sun Fang said. He wandered out of the bathroom and relocated to the living room. He dropped down on the couch and splayed his body out, drawling, "Have a date in mind?"

"I do," Mo Cheng shamelessly answered.

Sun Fang let out a small bark of laughter, dropping his head back against the armrest and staring up at the ceiling. "Where to?" he asked, brushing back the long strands of hair over his face.

His butler chose this moment to walk up to him, holding out a hair tie. Sun Fang smiled at it, changing his position so that he was sitting up and his butler could braid his hair. While that was happening, Mo Cheng said, "A new waterpark just opened up a while back, I thought it would be fun to check it out. Your thoughts?"

"Sounds perfect," Sun Fang said. He relaxed against his butler, feeling the hands gently moving through his hair and untangling the knots. It had been a while since his butler had done his hair for him, and it filled him with a warm sense of nostalgia.

He continued to speak with Mo Cheng for a couple of minutes more, settling all the details for their upcoming date. Yes, being asked on the date only a day before it would take place felt a little strange—usually he had more of a forewarning to get himself ready. But he didn't mind it; going to a waterpark alone felt kind of weird, so he'd take advantage of the chance to visit with company.

His butler finished braiding his hair, and Sun Fang laid back down on the couch. He scrolled through his phone, bringing up Stargazer and looking through it for any fun new stuff. His butler asked, "Going on a date tomorrow?"

"Yep, with Mo Cheng," Sun Fang confirmed. His eyes slid down the phone as he continued scrolling, and after a bit of thought, he went to Sun Yi's profile.

Sun Yi's most recent update was about the nice date he'd gone on with Marcus Davenport, Sun Fang's former fiancé. Apparently, they'd gone to the premier of a movie already beset by buzzing about awards, and Sun Yi's company had seemingly invested in it. Sun Yi's post was just a picture of them after the premier, holding hands in front of the movie's poster, and it already had several thousands comments.

Our Sweet Days (M/M Interstellar A/B/O)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat