Chapter 9

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"I'm going out with Tenko. This is my phone number, call if important. Byee~" 

The last word felt like it was mocking him. A hand went against his face as his smile turned sarcastic. After everything he told her and warned her about.. she goes out with a target on her back?? He quickly picked up his phone and typed in the number on the note. After a couple of seconds of ringing..

"The number you have called is not answering at the moment, please leave a message after the whistle.. BEEP.."

The smile on his face was now resembling a serial killer more than a hero as he felt panic fill him. He had to find them quickly.


It was a sunny day in Musutafu. Both Tenko and Keira agreed on one thing since they woke up.. Staying in the house was seriously becoming boring. Keira had never been the stay-at-home type. Apparently, neither was Tenko. She had made breakfast and checked if All Might was in the penthouse. It had also been an excuse to check the comic-book like place. After finding nobody except her and the kid, she had went back with a mischievous look on her face.

"Tencchan~!" she almost sang it with glee as the boy looked intrigued at her. "Let's go to Tokyo Disney Land!!" his mouth had opened wide along with his eyes and after a moment, she had her excited plus one. They quickly got dressed and went out only for Keira to pause, turn back into the apartment, write a note, and then go out again guilt-free!


"NEVER FEAR FOR I AM HERE!!" he boomed with a grin saving a family of three from an oncoming villain who was sent flying with a smash.

"AHHHHH HELP A HIT AND RUN!!" he sighed quickly going there. He didn't have a clue where they could've went and, he took out his phone as he clutched the hit and run suspect by the back of his shirt, Keira still wasn't answering her phone!


Tokyo Disney Land was as big as the photos and both woman and child were excited. After paying the entry tickets, she turned to Tenko with a huge grin, "Tencchan, let's try the rollercoasters! TDL! TDL!" she started chanting and her grin widened when Tenko's voice joined her.

"TDL. TDL." Granted, it wasn't with the same fervor as the black haired girl, but he still had a huge sparkle in his eyes.

They found rollercoasters suitable for Tenko's age before running towards other rides. Little by little, the grin that was on Keira's face got on Tenko's face as the boy beamed forgetting his past for the bright present around him.


"...Please leave a message after the whistle.. BEEP—" "Shane-san, please answer the phone. You and young Tenko shouldn't be alone--!"

"HELP THEIF!!" he groaned Son of a— He ricocheted off the ground in a second and smashed the running man with the lady's purse. He handed the purse to the woman who thanked him profusely as he grinned before going off.

While in midair, he kept thinking of places they could've went to. He had already checked the nearest malls, coffeeshops, restaurants, and parks. Could she have went back to Musutafu?! He shook his head as his grin fell more She wouldn't have left their stuff and her number. His eyes scanned the buildings below starting to light up as the sky turned hues of orange and yellow.

The sun was already setting and he still had no answers.


"Tencchan, let's check out the circus!" he nodded as she pulled him with her towards the show. They went inside and took their seats as people filled in the seats around them. Keira turned to the boy excitedly, "You know, Tencchan, I've always wanted to go to a circus when I was a kid!" she noticed a curious look appear on his face.

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