~ Chapter - 26 ~

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- A U S T I N - 

"Dude! Are you out of your goddamn mind? You broke my phone for the second time this week! Who is gonna pay for it now?" I heard Carmella shout at Easton. 

"Jeez! Calm down! It's not my fault. You should've catched it!" Easton retorted. I sighed deeply. I have a feeling this arguement is going to turn into a really big one very soon. Carmella is short-tempered and Easton is irritating, a very awful combination, if you ask me.

And, I was right.

"What do you mean by it's not your fault! It's a phone not a ball to play catch with you stupid jerk!" She yelled again. 

"You are stupid! When you saw me throwing it in your direction, you gotta catch it. Common sense is not so common, I guess." He said mimicking her voice. I swear Easton wants to spend his Christmas in a full body cast this time. I think that's what he wished for this year. Broken bones. 


Shoot. I don't want to involve in their petty fights. That too on Christmas eve, so I stayed quiet. Hopefully she won't call me again. 

"Austin! Come here! Austinnnnnnnnnn!" 

I'm not so lucky I guess. I sighed but walked downstairs. Carmella was standing with her cracked phone in her hand, her eyes glaring continuously at Easton, who was too interested in his shoes at the moment.

"Yeah?" I started awkwardly. 

"Tell this guy here he has to pay for my phone now." She said pointing at Easton. "He broke it so it is his duty to get it fixed as soon as possible." 

"No way. Dude she is just straight up lying. I threw it towards her but she didn't catch it. How is it my fault?" He retorted.

"I never told you to throw it in the first place! Any sensible person will know not to do that!"

"You should just admit you did it intentionally. Now you are blaming me for your inability to catch!" 

"Inablilty? Now you are really making no sense here!"

"Oh and you are? You were born senseless, I guess!" 

"Hey. Hey. Guys, chill out." I said trying to defuse their fight. "Let's talk calmly and not shout, yeah?" 

"She is the one who is yelling though." Easton muttered. 

"Alright, now what exactly is the matter?" I asked. 

"I asked him to pass me my phone and he threw it causing it to break. This is the second time this has happened this month. And now he won't even admit he is wrong." She explained. That's so stupid. This is what they are fighting over? Idiots.

"Bro she didn't even tried to catch it." Easton said defending himself.

"It's not even that big of a deal, Ella. Just get it fixed." I said. 

"I don't have the money for it. And Easton should get it fixed." She said already annoyed.

"Come on. You are the richest person in this house. Don't be like this dear sister." I teased. She rolled her eyes at me grumbling something under her breath.

"You guys are just ugh." She said before turning around to leave. 

"What's happening people? Look who's home!" Asher suddenly announced showing up at the door. 

"Ash!" Carmella practically squealed in joy running over to him to engulf him in a bone-crushing hug. Asher comes home once in a while so all of us don't get to see him often. Christmas is one of the only times he stays for 2-3 days with us. But she is just too excited because she won't have to worry about money, now that he is here. 

"Woah slow down Ella." He chuckled. "Are you guys not happy seeing me or what?"

"I'm ecstatic." I commented sarcastically. 

"I'm going to get a happiness stroke right now." Easton said holding his heart and gasping for air extra dramtically.

"See I'm the only one who loves you." Ella laughed. 

"What were you guys fighting about though?" Asher asked placing all his stuff on the table. Carmella started reciting her own version of the incident with Asher listening to her amusedly. 

"But you don't need to get it fixed." He commented when she finally finished talking. 

"Why?" She asked confused. Asher chuckled and took out a gift box wrapped in purple. Her favorite colour so we know it was for her. He always make sure to wrap people's gifts with their favorite colour wrap. 

Childish. I know.

"Wow Ash! You are like the bestest brother in the whole wide world." Ella squealed. I scoffed. 

"You said that yesterday to me though." She rolled her eyes at me followed by Easton's laugh. 

"I lied. I needed your help for the project." She said with a straight face. 

"Brat." I muttered and shook my head fondly. How can someone be so annoying and adorable at the same time?

"Wait till tomorrow El." Asher said when she tried to take the gift from him. Doesn't she know Christmas gifts are for Christmas? I swear, I'm the only sensible person in this house. Okay, maybe Easton too.

We sat down and chatted a little, catching up on everything while Easton arranged the gifts around the Christmas tree. 

"Dude, is someone getting two gifts this Christmas? There is an extra one right here." Easton asked holding up a multicoloured gift.

"Ah no. It's for her friend Kiara told me about. Aria, I guess." He answered. "I'm really looking forward to meet her. She seems like a very sweet kid."

"Yeah, she's adorable." I smiled. 

"Christmas can't be bought from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more." 
- Anonymous.

Hey Everyone!

How are y'all doing? 
How was your Christmas?
Did you all listened to Christmas Tree by V. It was so good, wasn't it? It is also his birthday tomorrow so Happy Birthday to him. 💜

I know this chapter is nothing special but I thought of doing a light-hearted one. Also, I'm really happy these days, now that my Term-1 is over. 😅

Asher's character is important for the next few chapters, so you'll get to see more of him.

✨✨And a very Happy New Year in Advance to all my beautiful people here.✨✨

I hope 2022 brings you and your loved ones lots of happiness, joy and prosperity. I wish you all good health.

Question of the chapter- What is your NEW YEAR RESOLUTION?

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