Chapter 43

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Romeo's POV

He raised his eyebrow and pursed his lips together, trying to hold his smile. "Let me guess; it will be the same restaurant where Sienna and Henry will go. And it will be just a coincidence." He gave me a knowing look, leaning back against his seat.

"How can I know if it will be the same place or not? I am not a psychic." I commented nonchalantly and shrugged my shoulders. He shook his head, amused.

"Fine, I will ask my secretary to reserve a table for us. She often takes care of reservations for dinner, lunch meetings. You will not be disappointed." He winked and gave me a sly look.

"Sure, suits me fine." I grinned devilishly.

Troy and I met in front of the restaurant and walked into the place together. I searched around, looking for Sienna and that bastard. I gritted my teeth in annoyance as I saw them talking.

"Let's sit there." I suggested, showing the table beside their table.

"You promised me to control yourself." Troy reminded firmly.

I frowned. "Your father isn't here. So I can torture that bastard as much as I want." I said between gritted teeth.

He heaved a loud sigh, shaking his head. "If you do anything bad to Henry, you will be screwed." He commented, concerned.

"Fine. I promise I will not do anything bad to your father's precious employee." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "But it doesn't mean, I will let him have dinner with my girlfriend alone." I added, determined.

"It is just a dinner meeting, not a date." Troy reminded, bored.

"For Sienna, yes. For that bastard, it is the beginning of something he hopes to. But I will not let him make a move on my woman." I stated in confidence. He sighed and nodded.

"Romeo? Troy? What are you doing here?" Sienna asked, surprised as she noticed us approaching them.

"Hi, my love." I greeted her and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. I straightened, stroking her back gently, and gave Henry an arrogant look. His expression changed, and his jaw clenched. "We came to have dinner and catch up." I gave her a bright smile and stroked her cheek with the back of my finger tenderly.

She gave me a knowing look and shook her head, pursing her lips together.

"We will not hold you anymore. Romeo, let's sit there." Troy intervened and pointed to the table near the window away from their table.

I gave him a dirty look, annoyed and nodded, sighing. "How about leaving together? I have a surprise for you." I asked Sienna softly.

"Fine." She gave me her dazzling smile.

I couldn't take my eyes off them, clenching my fist, irritated. I didn't understand what was so funny in their file that they had been laughing the last few minutes.

"Romeo, will you eat your meal or not? Come on, you showed him that Sienna is your girlfriend. Don't exaggerate!" Troy exhaled loudly in annoyance.

"I don't do anything. As you asked, I am sitting here like a good boy and watching my girlfriend while some bastard flirts with her." I hissed between gritted teeth.

"Here we go again!" Troy rolled his eyes. "They are just talking about work." He added firmly.

"With happy smiles on their faces? Is he a comedian? And they read a comedy screenplay?" I mocked, giving Troy a sarcastic look.

He frowned. "Think whatever you want. You are too stubborn to listen to me." He commented angrily and sipped his red wine.

"I will see you when some bastard starts flirting with your girlfriend." I said bitterly.

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