Chapter Twenty-three: Boulevardier

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Tomorrow arrived too soon, Beomgyu was nervous to say the least, he didn't know how clubs worked heck he didn't even know what job he'd get, he just wished it was something as simple as cleaning but he knew his luck always flips him off

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Tomorrow arrived too soon, Beomgyu was nervous to say the least, he didn't know how clubs worked heck he didn't even know what job he'd get, he just wished it was something as simple as cleaning but he knew his luck always flips him off.

He just doesn't want to fuck up anything.

Looking at the clock on Kai's wall, it read 5:20pm his shift starting at 6 sharp.

"Kai I'm going to the library!" closing the door with a thud not waiting for the other's reply, hurriedly jogging away slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Kai did let him stay at his place after lying to his sisters saying he fought with his dad quite badly and wasn't ready to face him yet.

So it wasn't obviously permanent. As much as he wanted to move back at Taehyun's, he also loved his ego and wouldn't let it go so easily.

After all, later in life he would have no one but himself and would have to make a living because that's how this world was designed.

To be born in this world all by yourself and leave it the same way.


Standing infront of the club he would now start working at, looking up at the name "Nap of a Star".

Pretty, he wondered what it meant.

Walking in from the employee door since the club doesn't open until 7, he saw the lady from earlier who waved to Yeonjun like they were besties.

"Hello I'm Jae sorta like your manager!" She introduced herself giving a hand forward for him to shake but when he went to do so she moved it away giving him a high five instead.

"Chill out, you're fine." She giggled the waves of her hair moved along with her, she was beautiful and kind even though her resting face and piercings would easily intimidate anyone, but she made it easier for him to be more comfortable with this new environment.

Blushing slightly from the embarrassment, he rubbed his hand which touched her's with his other one while he following her to what seemed like a counter.

"This is where you work." She tapped the marble top.

Fuck you God.

Out of everything he could get he became a bartender, he doesn't know shit about alcohols just the basic which almost everyone knows. Couldn't he get something like cleaning?

"I-I don't know if I can do this." He was stammering over his words, he wasn't sure if he could take responsibility of this.

"That's why I'm here!" Jae patted his back.

"But shouldn't I be getting something like cleaning?" He tried to negotiate but got immediately shut down.

"No. This is what the big boss wants you to do and no one goes against his words." She stated sharply reminding him that she was his manager and not a friend atleast during working hours.

Jae noticed how the latter seemed to get startled by her tone so she immediately broke the cover planting a smile on her clapping her hands once before talking.

"So!" She clapped. "I'm gonna teach you the basics till people start coming in and if you get something complicated just ask the one next to you to help you till you learn."

Beomgyu nodded following her the entire time as she went on explaining what he had to do which he was barely catching up on since it was too much for him suddenly.

"Okay so that's all for now and don't forget to flirt if you love extra money and sex." She winked before walking away to open the club.


He had been running around for an hour now, still a bit confused with the recipes, he did get many costumers flirting with him since he was new and pretty but he really couldn't put Jae's last point to use, he still hasn't really gotten the hang of it.

He already knew his co-workers didn't like him. He knew he was being a burden and as much as he wants to run away he needs money.

Sighing to himself dusting his hands off on the black appron he wore over his white button up shirt and black skinny jeans. He liked the uniform it was the only thing he liked about here for now apart from it's name, the uniform really enhanced his looks and hair.

Another customer walks in seating infront of the him tapping on the marble top, "Boulevardier."

What the fuck? out of all the names he heard this really was the fanciest, to the point he can't even pronounced it.

The boy bemused looks to his sides for help, when his co-worker nudges him from the back "This is our regular and the richest, you better not fuck this up." with that he left making it just worse but to his luck he looked around finding Jae hinting at what to do.

"Ah!" He quickly plucks some ice on the glass, adding whiskey with some campari and sweet vermouth, finishing it off with an orange peel on the edge.

As Beomgyu handed the drink he slows down noticing a face not so unfamiliar staring back at him, the eye contact lasted longer than he liked.

The man reached out for the drink with a malicious smile raising the glass with a cheers then walking away and all the brunette could do was watch noticing the same red hair with a ponytail he saw in the music festival but felt like he has seen it before as well, but just couldn't pinpoint on it, the man seemed to know it all.

"No way!" He heard a gasp looking at Jae and his co-workers who were equally shocked looking down at his hands, he held 50,000 won in his hand with a piece of paper which probably had a phone number on it.

His eyes widened as well looking at the money he held, it was his first tip, his own earned money even though he messed it up a bit, he wasn't really bothered by the number on the piece of paper since money really overpowered everything, what can he say? He knows he loves money I mean you can't hate him for that now can you? Everyone loves money and they know it.

"He never gives anyone such a heavy tip maybe clumsiness is your charm." Jae gave him a little push as a sign of encouragement while some of his coworkers were happy for him hoping he finally got the hang of it while the others were left envious of the fact he got a big tip as well as the handsome rich man's phone number.

Zuzu & Wand

.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

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