chapter 46

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Third person p.o.v

" So tell me son , how was your preparation for the exam? " Yousuf patted his son's shoulder as he joined them at the table .

" It- it's going great dad " Khalid avoided his eyes , the truth was Khalid has no interest to become a cop , he wants to open up a restaurant and marry a beautiful girl and live his life simple and happy unlike his Father and brother in law , who always live their life on their hand without any guarantee . He remembered in childhood Maryam used to be so worried when Yousaf didn't return home in time or Now Sayra whenever Humza is late , her life crumbles down in fear , he doesn't want her wife to go through the same pain like they did .

" Abbu, do you really think he can become a cop? " Sayra laughs, putting dishes on the table .

Khalid sticks his tongue out .. " I mean - ' she sat beside Humza " how come a man catches criminals when he is himself scared of Lizards '' Sayra burst into laughter embarrassing Khalid .

'' At least I didn't get married before completing my studies. " Khalid's taunt , making Sayra laugh, died down .

" Khalid '' Maryam's stern voice made him look down .

" Khalid , it's not her fault that she is married at such an early age, " Humza defended his wife .

" It's my fault , I shouldn't have stopped your studies " Yousuf looked at his daughter guilty .

Sayra always dreams to become a cop just like his father but Yousaf's protectiveness becomes a chain in her leg . Fearing that the profession is not for his daughter , he crumbles his dream by getting her married  before she could complete her studies . Sayra never complained .

She thinks to help people you don't need to become a cop , you just need a brave heart .


" I am sorry " Khalid entered the kitchen where Sayra was washing dishes .

" For what " Sayra said nonchalantly .

" For taunting you " he was guilty , he didn't realise his joke could cut her wound deeply .

Sayra sigh " Khalid we are twin , and the best part been twin is  we can sense each other happiness , sadness , intention '' 

" It's okay " she smiled " I know you just wanted to take revenge " she wink .

" I don't want to become a cop Daisy, " Khalid sighs, leaning on the counter , facing her opposite .

" You knew it's Abbu's dream to see you become a police officer , help people with full honesty, " she reminded him .

" But I don't want to, " he looked frustrated .

" Why does Abbu always force things on us? " his tone rose in anger. 

" He made you marry Humza though , he was the best man I have ever met but still it was wrong crushing your dream and now he was crushing mine " he gulped the suffocation , he was feeling in his heart .

" Khalid police officer , doesn't just save one person , they save one life and for everyone life is precious , they are heroes , don't you want to be a hero , don't you want to fight bad people and save innocent lives  ?" Sayra tried to make him understand .

" No I want to be human , I want to live a simple life with my life partner whenever she will come into my life , I won't let her suffer like you and Ammi did , Abbu and Humza first priority will always be their duty but for me my first priority will always be my family , my wife . I will never let an ounce of sadness touch my wife, " Khalid said stubbornly .

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