CHAPTER - 13 Conversation

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Zhan Yu could finally breathe, but he was angry. He was also feeling unwell so he didn't have it in him to scold Lu Bai. The moment he let him go, he immediately waved his hand over in an exaggerated motion, clearly feeling flustered.

In response, Lu Bai grabbed onto his flailing wrist. "What are you doing?" he asked as his face clouded with gloom.

After suffering this man's torment, Zhan Yu's hair was messy and ruined. Even without looking in a mirror, he knew that he had lost his elegance , handsomeness and grace.

His chest heaved visibly from anger. Zhan Yu suddenly pulled out of the man's grasp and He fiercely scolded, "Shouldn't I be the one asking you? Did you forget to take your meds when you left the house?"

Zhan Yu had regretted what he said the instant it came out of his mouth. If Lu Bai forgot to take his medicine, then he had definitely left his brain at home! How dare he scold Lu Bai without a second thought?!

His body trembled as he felt his dangerous gaze. As Lubai spitefully narrowed his eyes, he thought of how his story would meet its tragic end.

He calmed himself, but still felt his heart beating wildly. If he truly upset Lu Bai, he could bring him to his death in minutes.

How could he have done something so rash?!

Zhan Yu's legs went soft. If he decided to grovel and apologize to Lu Bai, he'd be going against how he had portrayed himself thus far. If he did, would he lose his pride? Didn't the saying go, "One can lose anything but Dignity and imposing Manner"? What would happen if he continued to play his stubborn act 'til the end? Or would it be better if he admitted that he was wrong?

But during his indecisiveness, Lu Bai did something that made his blood run cold. He took off his jacket and draped it considerately over his shoulders. He even helped him pull the jacket closed, while he stood stunned. "You made a fuss and beat me up already. Don't anger yourself. Look at what you're wearing, are you sure you'd want to go out like that?" he said in a gentle voice.

Shoot! You're the one who forced me out, okay?!

After criticizing him in his thoughts, he realized he was paying attention to the wrong thing!

What was Lu Bai planning now that he suddenly started acting gentle? As if on cue, the moment Zhan Yu turned around, a handful of beautiful women stared directly at the two of them.

Zhan Yu understood it all. Lu Bai was using hi as a shield, and he needed to play along in order to escape.

Zhan Yu was in no mood to put on a monkey show with him, so he turned around, acting depressed. "Take me back home. If you have any problems, tell me on the way," he said helplessly.

Zhan Yu knew that he was going to use him, but he also knew his request wasn't one he could reject. He forced him to bring him home in order to close off their act perfectly because, in the long run, he couldn't risk people knowing it was all a ruse.

Lu Bai looked at the lonely view of his behind, knitting his eyebrows pensively. He then followed after him (Zhan Yu).

On the way back, Zhan Yu leaned his head against the back of the car seat. His hazy eyes glazed over the bright lights passing by. He was bored.

After Lu Bai took a few minutes to get accustomed to the dark, Lu Bai couldn't help but look at Zhan Yu.

Zhan Yu already took off the suit jacket as soon as he got in the car, folding it and placing it in the back seat. The urgent sensation that he sensed from Zhan Yu was really as Mao Shiyuan described ー he was avoiding him like he was a scorpion.

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