Chapter 15

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"A1 I refuse to be carried. I can walk just fine!" I promise him.

I'm walking to my room with A1's assistance. I feel like an old lady holding onto A1 in order to walk.

"You are injured. As a P.A.I.R. I must treat your injuries'. I advise you to move as little as possible." A1 reasoned. "Being carried is not something to be embarrassed about if you are injured."

"For the last time I said no. Walking is not what's going to kill me." As if Dr. Brooke and Capitan General would let 'walking' kill me. No way it's that easy.

"Lilly!" Tonia called after me. "I made a huge discovery in the lab, I need to tell you about."

She ran up to us and practically tackled me in a hug.

"Ahh! Let go let go let go!" I held my side. That did NOT help my broken rib.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. I didn't realize you were hurt so bad."

"Neither did I." I can feel A1's disapproving look. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I stayed quiet. Anthony and A1 were already on bad terms. Who knows how much worse it would have gotten if I told A1.

"Fine. Will you at least tell me how bad it is?" A1 asks.

I sigh. No point in hiding it now. "I think I might have a broken rib. It hurts when I breath, my whole body is sore, and my arm feels like its on fire."

"Lil! That's not ok. We have to get you to the med bay." Tonia pulls me over her shoulder to help me walk. "A1 can you get us food and meet us there? She needs food to keep her energy up."

I felt him hesitate, or maybe it was thinking. "Yes, of course."

Tonia and I were walking alone now. Where? I have no idea. This place needs a map. Its a wonder how anyone knows where they're going.

"I cannot believe Win would take your training so far. Ex or not, this is so not ok."

Win is Lillian's Ex? Really? But he's nice and she... I how...what!?

"Ok, first things first, I have a new instructor. Win doesn't know I'm hurt because this is very recent. Like not even 5 minutes ago." I clarify. " And second...WE WERE A THING?" My shouting shot a sharp pain up and my side. I hunched over grabbing at my painful ribs. "Bad idea. Shouting is a really bad idea."

"Deep breaths. We're almost there." Tonia reassured me. I could only nod it hurt so much.

Note to self: don't yell when you're in pain.

We reached the door with a pair waiting outside. I really cannot believe my luck. I'm starting to think they might be out to get me.

"Ms. Champ, I see training went well." Captain General commented.

"You're still alive?" Dr. Brooke was honestly shocked. They really are out to kill me! "Er- I mean, Anthony Dealer's training methods are uh- intense. Considering his past students , you look well."

"Intense?! Look at her!" Tonia was furious. "She needs help to walk after his 'lesson'. Her arm is still bleeding and it hurts to breathe thanks to the broken rib he gave her!"

I'm so happy she's my friend. I honestly don't know if I could stay sane without her. It's nice to know someone has my back out here. 

"And now she's crying she's in so much pain! Why the fuck is Anthony Dealer her instructor anyway? Didn't he leave Edan's Apple Corps?"

I'm crying? Wait... Their military is called the Apple Corps?

"Pfft... Hahahaha." It hurts to laugh but I can't stop. They're the forbidden apple? This has to be some sort of joke.

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