twenty eight

758 64 44

FRIDAY. 03. DECEMBER. 21. (unedited)
this chapter is very easygoing so i hope you still enjoy xo more action in the next couple of chapters :')

"BECAUSE. I. Don't. Care," Tommy enunciated, leaning forward over the table, his palms flat on the bright red surface.

"But why?" Max cried, falling back against the identically-coloured booth and throwing his hands out in defeat.

"He's never cared," Carter huffed, glaring at Tommy, who was sitting to his left, and folding his arms over his chest. "We have this argument every year."

"And it's never worth arguing over," Tommy shrugged, glancing towards him.

"But Tom it's—"

"I know what it is," he interrupted, smiling tightly at Max and folding his arms over on the table, hands folded in loose, casual fists, "and I don't care."

The week had felt longer than usual and Max was more than ready to blame academic stress and exhaustion. A lot of classes were handing out heavy workloads before the Christmas break and there were a lot of upcoming tests that required way too much studying and extra reading, but if that meant it could be all out of the way for Christmas then perseverance was the only option.

Fortunately, barely any of them had actually started preparing for their assignments and they were all in the same boat of procrastination; none of them were making an effort to start rowing anywhere. The only person Max knew who was actually on top of things so far was Freya and she was supposed to come by over the weekend to help him study anyway. In his mind, that meant Friday and Saturday were free for him to do whatever he wanted.

Tonight he had wanted to come out with his friends to a cafe so that they could stuff their faces with waffles or pancakes or crepes or sundaes, and apparently everyone else had liked the idea, so that was exactly what they'd done. It was nearing seven now and they were finishing up, slouched and stuffed, eyeing a table decorated with empty plates and glasses lying in-between them.

"Danny?" Max asked, eyebrows furrowed and lips turned up in an incredulous smile as his mouth hung open.

Sitting at the end of the booth, besides Carter, Danny glanced up at Max from where he'd been zoning out on the table and offered a small shrug. "His birthday, his decision," he murmured, eyes immediately darting back down towards the table.

"Cole?" He tried hopelessly, angling himself towards Cole who was sitting inches away from him, despite the space provided by their seating.

"I don't see what the big deal is," he shrugged, one eyebrow quipped, taking the last bite of his waffle, briskly glancing at Max. "If he wants to ignore his birthday then I don't see why we should force him to celebrate it."

"Thank you," Tommy chimed, eyes dancing over Danny and Cole before they settled back on Max with a triumphant smugness.

"Fine," Max huffed, slumping down in his seat. "If you're absolutely sure that—"

"I am," he interrupted. "My birthday's on Sunday anyway. I won't be awake until it's dark out again."

"Guess that's true," Max half-smiled, pushing his knife and fork further onto his empty plate with a clatter, almost considering if he had the room for more pancakes.

"Don't stress it, Maxie," Carter assured, prodding Tommy in the arm. "He's always hated his birthday."

"I'm letting him off this year," Max claimed, narrowing his eyes and pointing a finger at Tommy, who was still watching him smugly, "but next year we're celebrating."

Cause for Concern ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz