Chapter 8 || Confession pt. 2||

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•Leo's POV•

I couldn't believe that I was asked out by Gemini, At least that's what the card said. I was looking at the card when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.
I turn around to see Aries.

"Hey, So I heard that once all the students arrive we get to choose Who we room with in out Dorms."


"Would you like to room with me?"

"Don't t you think it's a little early for that? You HEARD that once all the student arrive we get to choose who we room with you never said it was actually true."

"Fair point, but just in case?"

"Fine. It's not like I have anyone better to be around all the time."

•Aries POV•

Leo and I walked and talked for about .. I would say a good 2 hours. We ended up stopping to shop.

I found out that Leo was a pretty cool guy, He loved shopping, Friends, Making jokes, and Attention. I don't know what i would have expected with the Leo sign but he wasn't what I expected.

We stopped shopping and we went out separate ways. Leo had a job at his Family's business and I just went home. I ended up getting Leo's Phone number,But all I know is that Leo.. Is something.. I'm not sure if I mean that in a good or bad way..

I made it home to see my Spoiled little sister and my .. Mother.

"Hey Aries! Can we play Nights and Princess?!" My sister asked.

"Not right now May, i need to get something done."

"MOM! Aries won't play with me!!!"

"Oh my god..!" I groan

I head upstairs before mom could scold me. And the Truth is I did have work to do. Homework, But it was math homework.
Let's just say I'm not the best at math, I prefer Science.

I try to do my work but, it was too hard even though math was my last period and I learned all this..!

I was only able to complete one problem before getting stumped on the rest.
I needed help.

Mom wouldn't help me because she Was in a Meeting, my little sister is in Fourth grade so she's no help, my Older sister is.. in another state and I don't even have any contact with her so shes a no. And dad He's on a Business Trip.

The only option I had was to ask a Friend for help.

Esther.. or Gemini she lives Three hours away, and I'm pretty sure she has no clue how to do this, she didn't even get the school work done in class. My only options were to Call Taurus or Leo.

Taurus lived One hour away from me and Leo and Gemini are Neighbors so he's a no too. I had one last friend that lived pretty close to me who's a Genius, in I would say in Practically every subject.
Her name's Virgo.

The chat:

Aries: Hey Virgo, I need some help.

Virgin: With what?

Aries: With Homework.. Math homework😅

Virgin: Alright I'll be there in Five Minutes.

Aries: Thank you👍

Virgin: Bye.

Now I had help in the way, and Virgo and I live in the same neighborhood, she lives a few houses down from me but she's close.. Kinda.
She has Five younger siblings to look after while her Older sisters in School.
By now her sister should have gotten home but with Five Toddlers she needed to make sure that her things were out of A toddlers reach. I've been to her house and one thing I've learned is you NEVER leave anything unattended within a Toddlers reach in that House.

A few minutes later AKA Seven minutes later Virgo arrived.

She entered my room and I knew it was her and not my sister. Her Black hair and Brown eyes. Virgo is definitely taller than my sister.

"So you needed help?" She asked


"On what problem?"

"Starting at Number Two."

"Alright- Wait starting?"


"Dear god.."

After Two hours of a confused Aries trying to do math that he didn't understand, The two eventually finished.

"Thank you Virgo, your a life saver!"

"No problem, it only took TWO HOURS!"

"You know I'm not good at math!"

"Fine I'll cut you some slack, this is the fastest you've done math homework.. It usually takes Flipping FOUR hours!"

"Good point.. I owe you, for sure..!"
"Hey, Aries..?"


"Nevermind.. I'll see you at school, Bye..!"

And with that Virgo left.

Starlight Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें