Author's Note: Please Read!!

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To my readers:

        31.58k reads and 1.43k votes.... holy crap!!

        First off, I would like to start with a thank you. I have been working so hard on this story and it means so much that you all are (hopefully) enjoying it. Honestly, I can't even really put into words how excited I am! I may seem like I'm over reacting, but after so many years of writing, finally getting someone's attention feels so... amazing!

        Secondly, Houston, we have a problem. A major problem that most every writer faces. Writers block. Now, I've had some writers block before, trust me. But this, this is ridiculous. I've got forty thousand different ideas of what I want to do with this story that I'm getting frustrated. I wanted to stick with my original ending, but then I wanted to change that, however, changing that would mean either a whole book afterwards, or a completely messed up plot twist that even I am having a hard time dealing with (partly because I love it, partly because I hate myself for loving it). Then I had the bright idea to do something completely off the friggin' map and pull some craziness out of a hat but then I was like Gollum mode activated and had a pissing contest with myself over the idea, which by the way, is completely insane and I hate and love it simultaneously.

        So I guess what I am trying to get at, is that, no matter how hard I try, I can't get over this hill... well its more like a mountain really, like friggin' Everest. So, just forewarning you, the writing process is coming slowly, and if it is crappier than usual I am sorry, I'm most likely forcing it and that is why it sounds choppy. Hopefully this will pass soon and we can get back to out eleven day updating schedule, but till then, hang in there, I'm trying as hard as I can at the moment! Also, school is giving me trouble, and I started a new job, so that may cause a delay as well!

        Again, thank you so much! It has been one of the most amazeballs experiences in my dull life! Please, please, please remember that I am trying my absolute hardest, but right now (between the writers block and school and work) things are really busy and I don't always have the time required to think my ideas/plans with the story through! But still, thank you so, so, much for the votes and reads! Don't forget to comment, I like feedback, I'm a feedback kinda girl!!



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