Potion Success Life Fail

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After dinner I ran down to the potions lab. And immediately started setting up my station. I was preparing the ingredients by the time auntie came in. Without looking up I told him. "10 points from Slytherin for being tarty Mr. Snape" hearing him chuckle I continued. "And detention tonight after supper until 6:30." Once my ingredients were almost ready I pulled out my notebook and pen. Insuring the burner was on high I finished prepping and wrote down the ingredients I had prepped. Once the water was nearly boiled I carefully slipped in five peices chopped pixie liver. Writing it down and waiting for it to turn blue.

"Odd choice care to tell me why Harry?" He watched with interest. I explained what I wanted the potion to do. Then said "mostly it just feels right." He smiled at me very pleased. When it turned blue I gave three stirs clock wise then added two fairy wings and two spoons of crushed flutter seed. Giving it two minutes while I wrote those steps down. Looking back it was almost purple.

I could see auntie looking curious. I gave four stirs clock wise. Took a deep breath as I picked up the final ingredient. I touched auntie's wand arm with my free hand letting him know we might need it. He straighted pulling his wand at the ready. As I gently lowered the final ingredient in. Three stands of pegasus main hair willingly given. Once in I gave one counter clockwise stir and waited.

We both stared as it slowly shifted to light purple in color then slowly pink came through. Without batting an eye I quickly used a turkey baster to put it in vials. Before shutting off the burner. We both set about capping them and labeling them. When done we beamed at each other and then we made sure I had written every step. "Can we test it now auntie? Ooo! I know we can try it out on Uncle Luci!" I cried cheerfully. I picked up a vial and made to get up but auntie took it. "Now now there is a much safer way to test it sweet heart." He scolded gently. Gesturing for me to follow. He opened up a door where a cauldron was simmering. The door had eye droppers of various sizes stuck to it.

"This is a personal creation of mine sweety. This is how we test it." Taking a small eye dropper he put a single drop in the cauldron. When a parchment floated up he levitated it out setting to the side then added two so on and so forth. When he added a whole vile. I got up from looking at all the parchment saying harmless no effect. This time it took several minutes before the parchment floated up. I got excited. "It did something. It actually does do something even if it's bad or not what I wanted it did something." I watched as auntie set this one on the desk then closed the door.

When I tried to go see what it said auntie stopped me. "Sweetie I need you to promise not to do any of this without me here to make sure your safe." I looked up at him confused for a minute.

"Auntie I'm a clutz with a horrible habit of exploding or melting cauldrons. There's no way in hell I'm doing any of this without you." I blinked at him in a Manor that clearly are you crazy. "I might not be super smart but I'm not that stupid." I hugged him trying to grab the parchment during the hug and but was lifted up by auntie.

"Oh no you don't. I get to torture you for a bit longer." He grabbed the parchment and held it above his head. Clearly wanting to play keep away. I jumped up in an attempt to grab it. After ten minutes of jumping chasing and begging Uncle Luci came in. I smirked at auntie. Causing him to raise an eyebrow at me.

Spinning and pouting I ran to uncle. "Uncle Luci auntie's being mean to me! I made a potion and he won't let me see the report on what it does or doesn't do! Please help uncle." Now wrapped around uncle I gestured for him to pick me up. Which he did automatically. "Or I'll have to find a test subject. I think one with long blonde hair and definitely male should do." I said giving him a cheeky grin.

He gave me a smirk. "Oh really? Well then next time you shouldn't surrender so quickly." He gave me a second to try and figure that out before he started tickling me. Over my squeals of laughter he said. "I've got him love." Then auntie joined in. A few minutes later they stopped so I could catch my breath.

Auntie handed me the parchment as I was carried out of the room and up stairs. I looked down at it and my breath caught. It worked. The potion would cause the drinker to float two feet off the ground for an hour then slowly wear off allowing the drinker to come back down safely. Suddenly squealing and bouncing in uncle's arms. "It works! It works! I gotta tell Draco, and Blaise, and Pansy, and Barty, and daddy......" I stopped and frowned at myself. Had I just thought of voldy as daddy? "I mean I have to tell everyone. Can you put me down Lucius." I didn't meet either of their eyes.

Uncle Luci set me down and I thanked him. Before walking the rest of the way to my rooms. I was a bit sullen after all even if I did want Voldemort to be my father it was hopeless. He would want someone smarter for a son. Not to mention nobody would want me as a son. Stupid, childish, clutzy, ugly, and over all useless. Who would want that hot mess for a child. I'm just broken. Tears welled up in my eyes. I hadn't noticed that auntie and uncle were still walking with me.

When I opened my door I sighed walking in. "I'll tell them at breakfast. That way everyone in one shot." I said talking to myself. "Hmmm better get ready for Mayam Ripshang. Can't be late for a goblin that would be rude." I walked over to my desk and grabbed the two way mirror placing it on the little stand I had made. Which was on the table near the fire. When I looked up I saw auntie and uncle watching me with concern etched into their faces.

"Harry what's wrong? I thought you were going to slow down with this sweety? Auntie Sev looked anxious and nervous. "Do you miss them? I didn't think you'd even remember. You were so young. And it's been so long I..." I blinked not sure what they were talking about other then my mirror call with Mayam Ripshang.

"Auntie, Uncle I'm not sure what most of that meant but as for the mirror call I had already set this one up. Also Voldy's going to join me on this one. I'm going to ask her if we can take lessons back to twice a week. But tonight's call is also for something else that I've been working on with her." I explained still a bit confused what auntie was talking about.

"You were all excited and listing people you were going to tell then you mentioned your dad and well your whole demeanor changed. You went from happy to rigid. On the way here your hair slowly changed to deep blue and we know that means your sad." Uncle explained calmly trying to get me to come over to him. But I stood stock still.

" No I wasn't thinking of who you think I was. It not something that can change. I I I don't think...." I tried to put a sentence together but it was falling apart quickly. All I wanted was for uncle and auntie to hold me and play more but if I did that I wouldn't get through the meeting or lesson. I had to be serious tonight. But I choked on a sob I tried to repress.

Finding myself in two pairs of arms was all it took. I broke down and cried. I couldn't manage to put voice to my thoughts. But I could cry them out. I griped onto them when I felt gentle hands taking me into their arms. Looking up I saw da.. voldy was holding me. Humming softly to me when he sat with me on his lap rocking me gently. Da... voldy holding me only made me cry more. When he sighed standing up I felt him start to shift me away. I screamed now crying. Sucking in a breath I said the only word I could manage to think. "Daddy!"

I felt his arms stiffen as I tried to get closer to him again. 'daddy no want me' his face was like stone. It hurt. I could tell if not for my cry's the room would be silent. Then he said it the thing that gutted me. "I'm not your dad." With that he shoved me into uncle's arms and left. I couldn't take it. I buried my face into uncle. He held me very close clearly crying with me. I didn't call Mayam Ripshang that night. I fell asleep with auntie and uncle on my couch near the fire. The three of us all crying. In the morning I gently got myself out of their arms. And went to my desk. I wrote an apology to Mayam Ripshang telling her I was out of sorts last night and had passed out. Then I put it in the post box looking around. I needed to make some changes.

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