The Past

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Empress pov

Everybody turned their body towards me probably because they thought I would be scolding my son, even Hu'er looked a little nervous. To their surprise, I even snickered. In my past life, Hu'er never hated me or my other children, when the doctor told me how many months I have left and  I started opening my eyes I asked Hu'er who was fifteen years at that time why does he hate his father and not me, the cause of all his suffering, and I remember exactly what he told me. Word by word, sentence by sentence.


"I can't deny that you are dumb to the point of no return imperial mother, but you did nothing wrong but to love his imperial majesty unconditionally, you were so blinded by love that you failed to see that you were hurting those who actually loved you and cared for you. If it was any other person they would kill that concubine already to succeed but you kept her just because she put a smile on his majesty's face and endured all humiliation, you even forgot your passion for art, your viciousness because of the man you love, but his majesty was not blinded by love to not see that he was hurting you. When you asked his majesty for the marriage  at that he could have declined it knowing how much the previous emperor doted in him." Said the youth while wiping the face of the pale empress.

"He knew how much power your father held, so he married you despite having somebody he loved just so he could stabilize his position in court, he took advantage of your love. He knew how much you loved him so he used you, he was aware he was hurting you. He even took it as far as humiliating you because he knew you would defend him in front of your father. He took the love we wanted, the care we cherished, the warmth we were desperate for and crushed it as if it was nothing. He even went a step further and took our unborn siblings, that's why I hate his majesty and not you Imperial mother. I knew you cared for us even though you didn't show it well." The youth continued with a gentle smile on his face.

"I hate that concubine even more so because she pretends, pretends she does not know that she's breaking someone slowly, pretend she does not know that she's using your funds to feed herself, pretends she does not know that she's hurting innocent kids, pretends she does not know she acting like the mother of the kingdom. Does she think when you pass away she will be the empress? Hahaha! Not even the emperor will survive my massacre! What makes her think she will?" Said the youth with hatred in his voice to the exhausted empress.

Flashback ends

That's why he doesn't want revenge because his son already did that for him, so he will not spend his life chasing after something such as revenge. During this time he will take care of the people of his kingdom, a family, and loved ones. Especially the commoners that stayed on his side till the end. 

He had a dream about what happened in his past life the night he transmigrated. Hu'er indeed took revenge, he tortured the emperor to no end, and when he finally killed him he put his head on the city gated for display. Many nobles especially general Yi opposed Hu'er who just usurped the throne from the emperor telling him he already rebelled he should at least respect his father, but the commoners whom I always loved and adored in my youth opposed the nobles causing havoc. The commoners killed Concubine Shu themselves after knowing the truth behind my miscarriage and made her watch he son's death so she could feel what I felt, but people already hated the second prince because he was a wretched man, a very wretched man. He has done some unspeakable things to the commoners so they were more than happy to torture him.

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