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Waking up bright and early should never have to be this hard. My body shouldn't hurt as I roll around in bed, but it does, badly. I groan as I make my way out of bed, quickly hurling my dead self to the bathroom, before Emily gets a chance to get there first. To my surprise, I make it just in time.

As I'm walking in there, Emily comes out of her room quickly, making her way towards the bathroom door, but I stop her, flip her off, and celebrate my victory as soon as I slam the door shut in her face. Bathroom Olympics is always a thing with us. Winner gets to take all the time in the world in there, and loser has to deal with it.

I hear her groan behind the closed door, "Good morning, Ruth." Her tone is unfriendly, but I don't seem to mind it. Losers will be losers after all.

I smile once I hear her footsteps descend down into the hallway, and back into her room I believe.

I make my way to the sink first, grabbing my toothbrush from the holder, and beginning to brush my teeth, to get ready for my productive day. By 'Productive' I mean I'm going to go to work, pour coffees, bake, and then spend my break time hating my life. It's what I already do.

"Done," I exit the bathroom when I'm finished, and callout so Emily can have her turn. "I said done. If you don't get down here, then I'll go back in."

"Calm your sugar titties," Emily comes out of her room, and pushes past me, entering the bathroom. She doesn't close the door just yet, instead we both just stare. She sticks her middle finger up at me.

"Very mature," I stick mine back up at her, and press the finger to my lips, blowing her a kiss with my middle finger still out, "Please don't hurt yourself in there. It would be tragic," I laugh.

Emily clutches her heart sarcastically, "I love you too, Ruth. It's so nice that you care for my well-being." After giving her another smile, I walk back to my room. I've already wasted enough time.

Emily and I barely have an age gap. Three years isn't drastic, and we're practically the same age.

I know kids who at age eighteen were partying and doing drugs, thankfully, Emily isn't. At least on the drug part anyways. I didn't do either at that age. Who knows where I'd be if I did.

Emily was never a challenge as a kid. She had her moments where she was, but she was never truly rebellious. I always figured she was in pain, which is why she partied much. I could understand that.

"I'm heading out," I call out.

Not knowing whether she's still in the bathroom, in her room getting ready for school, or just deaf, I decide to just leave without another word.

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