Yandere female plauge x male reader

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When I was in the house in medieval doing some work cutting wood and place it on the barrel after yo do all the work I got finish and went inside to start making some food for your wife

Y/n: hemming wonder what should I make for her.

You heat thing of food but you got an idea you made Carrot Bread, black pepper beef, and toffee apple, I sat down on the chair and they're here

Wife: hello hunny did you make the food?

Y/n: yes I did.

Wife: wonderful just let me set up the table.

Y/n: alright.

She grab the plate and place it and have dinner and then start heading to bed and sleep

10 minutes later

When you were sleeping i heard a stick snapped and look outside and you figure it out it was the plague doctor I was so scared I heard they kidnapped kids and adult but when she look at me but I hide it between the wall

Y/n POV: shit it's the plague doctor what does she want!?

When I look at the bedroom mirror and she came closer to our house I sneak to the top drawer and grab a scissor and starting to stab her but she gone I was completely confused but when I turn around and saw plague closer to me as I scare and tried to stab her but fail she punch my gut and push me on the floor and walk closer to me while I back up and lean the wall while I closed my eyes starting to end my life but when I open my eyes she start staring at me

Y/n: w-what do you want!?

As I said she move closer to me and start touching my face

???: your perfect.

Y/n: I'm sorry what?

???: your perfect for my experiment.

When my wife about to wake up she ran away fast while my wife look at me

Wife: y/n what are you doing sitting on the floor.

Y/n: oh nothing I just fell off out our bed.

Wife: oh well do you want to sleep some more?

Y/n: oh sure.

I saw on the bed and lying down until I wrap it with our blanket but you couldn't figure it out what happening but you just ignore her and sleep

???: don't worry y/n you will be my perfect experiment.

Until morning I woke up and start ready for daily routine like cleaning and cooking food but I know that you do the work in the village until we woke up and get dressed and came up to me with her sparkling eyes

Wife: hey hunny.

Y/n: hey baby cake.

Wife: there an festival outside so I was wondering we could have fun?

Y/n: that a swell idea let's go.

You stop doing your work and goes to the festival but when you look back there someone watching us which I don't know but I ignore it and head off

???: soon y/n you will be my puppet.

When you two arrive we saw a whole festival like breathing fire, juggling, and more she was very happy and we walk around and saw a magician doing some magic it was very cool

Wife: oh y/n can we see the knight.

Y/n: well sure let's go hunny.

But then I saw a hooded figure which it make me feel scared I ask her to walk away

Yandere female x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now