Chapter 4

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More than 3 months and there is still no news about Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji are doing there best to find Wei Wuxian but got nothing. The end war against Wen sect is coming near and everyone is busy in practicing.

The set leader Lan, Nie and Jiang are doing meetings and making different strategies to win the war and not loosing much of the army. Since, Wen Ruohan uses Demonic Cultivation which can be very powerful in comparison to Spiritual Cultivation so they are trying to find a way which can seal the Cultivation of Wen Ruohan.

Nie sect leader starting to get irritated as they cannot find the answer of their questions, he sighed and asked one of the cultivator who was standing outside their camp to call his brother Nie Huaisang.

Nie Huaisang is in the library reading when somebody knocks on the door. "Come in" Huaisang said, and a Nie cultivator opens the door and came inside. "Young master Nie, Sect Leader Nie is calling you in the conference hall" cultivator said.

Nie Huaisang quickly gets up and run towards the conference hall, before entering he knocks the door and hears his da-ge's voice saying "come in" so he enters the hall and greet the Sect Leader Nie, Lan and Jiang and then move towards his da-ge "da-ge you asked for me".

"Nie Huaisang, we have to find a way to lock the Cultivation of Wen Ruohan otherwise we will not be able to win this war. We think about everything but nothing seems to work. You stays in the library whole day, do you perhaps have any idea to solve this problem?" Sect leader Nie said.

Nie Huaisang thinks for a minute or two then said "Da-ge there is a way to trap Wen Ruohan Cultivation but I'm not sure how long will it last".

Hearing this all three sect leader feels quiet excited to know the way they can finally win this war and kill the Wen Ruohan. Sect Leader Lan, Zewe-jun asks "Young master Nie, if there is a way please tell us" "Yes, if we can stop his cultivation we didn't need much time to kill him" Jiang Cheng added.

So, Nie Huaisang starts telling them "I was searching for some interesting books to read when I saw a book in our library which was looking like a very old manuscript so I thought I should see what it is about, the manuscript was about music".

All three sect leader got confuse why Nie Huaisang is telling them about some music manuscript when we are asking for blocking Wen Ruohan Cultivation. So, Nie Mingjue asks "Huaisang why are you telling us about some old music manuscript".

"Da-ge because it is the only way to block the Wen Ruohan Cultivation" Nie Huaisang said. Zewe-jun asks "young master Nie, please can you elaborate we cannot understand".

"Er-ge that music manuscript is known as 'Collection of Turmoil' in which there are lots of music which can be use for different purposes and one of the purpose is blocking the cultivation" Nie Huaisang said.

Zewe-jun get shocked and asks Nie Huaisang "Young master Nie, how did you get that manuscript, that manuscript has no copies and the original is in the GusuLan sect restricted area of the library".

Nie Huaisang replies "Er-ge, I don't know how that script is in the library of the Qinghe Nie sect but it was there but not anymore since I do not want it to go to someone hand I hide it".

"Do you still have that script?" Nie Mingjue asks. Nie Huaisang shakes his head in yes, nd goes to bring that script.

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