the said "storm"

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Y/n pov

Every one was happy yesterday

But now...

Not so happy

Its because of the "disappearance" of water from the water tank

Everyone has to conserve water until they can rendezvous with the supply ships

Then suddenly out of nowhere, it started to rain

Everyone was in a hurry to collect the rain water with buckets, some even play in the rain


They were forced to seek shelter because of a storm

I was on the harekaze's bridge

When suddenly a lightning strikes

*Lightning sounds*

(I-i dont know what lightning sounds like in books (T_T) )

Akeno: ahh

She instantly ran to mashiro's room

Y/n: *sigh*

Then i heard something from my head

???: *Static* shinbashi requesting*static* immediately

Oh i remember this

This is where the shinbashi was sinking

The others heard it from their ship too

We instantly contacted the blue mermaids

Blue mermaids: ok we'll get there asap

Y/n: ok then im going to tell my crew

I got back to the hipper

And sailed to the sinking site with the harekaze beside me

After making it to the site, life boats are already on the waters and some people are still on the ship

Mashiro was volunteering to be the one that goes in the ship

Of course i want to follow too

Y/n: can i come too

Wilhelmina: of course, but be careful

We got to the ship and we saved a lot of people but a couple was telling me a certain tamonmaru was missing

Random couple: TAMONMARU where are you. Help us, tamonmaru is missing

Y/n: ok i will go search tamonmaru, mashiro would you com with me

Mashiro: ok

We ran as fast as we can to every were the "person" tamonmaru was

We couldn't find him

Then we got to the restaurant district to find a

???: Meow

Mashiro: what

Y/n: there 

Mashiro: *gasp*

Y/n: why are you surprised

Mashiro: i thought it was a little baby

Y/n: =_=

Mashiro: what

Y/n: who in the world would name their child tamonmaru...

Mashiro: ...

Then suddenly the shinbashi shook

Y/n: woah

Mashiro: oh no WERE TRAPED

Y/n: *sigh*

Third person pov

Wilhelmina got to safety with the blue mermaids helping her

Wilhelmina: wait there is still someone inside there

Blue mermaid: ok well try getting them out, who are their names

Wilhelmina: hipper and mashiro (ok i changed it)

At that the blue mermaids got a little shocked hearing mashiro's name

Blue mermaid: ok thank you

Then the blue mermaids started the search them with hammers in hopes to find them

But it was no use

The ship was almost submerged in the water

Blue mermaid: im sorry they are still not found but we will keep trying

Wilhelmina: no

Wilhelmina started to be sad with tears

But suddenly the hull was breaking ?

Y/n pov

We got to broadside of the ship

Im currently swimming with mashiro

Y/n: can you still keep up

Mashiro: yes im still good

I guess ill have to show mashiro too

Why did the blue mermaids not find us yet

Y/n: ok, here, we, GO

Mashiro: what are you doing


I punched the hull until it breaks


Y/n: yes it worked

I have to remember im stronger than humans

And clearly mashiro was shocked

Y/n: mashiro... Hello... You there

Mashiro: o-oh ok lets go

Y/n: *sigh*

We got back to the to the top of the waters

Y/n: yes, fresh air

Mashiro: here is tamonmaru

Random couple: tamonmaru

They started to hug tamonmaru but tamonmaru started to like mashiro

Mashiro: i think he likes me, can i adopt him

The couple think about it for a moment

Random couple: of course, be a good boy tamonmaru, i will miss you

The end

Of chapter

(Of course it the end of the chapter hehe, so ive been thinking of making another book but its not about ships, but its an isekai too... Kind of, well lets just see, dont worry i will update this book too see you in the next chapter)

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