Sidestory 2 part 1/4: From Otome To 18+ Eroge| Mini Edition

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Welp dear readers, here it is. The corruption of my precious characters. I should clarify that I have never written a lemon before, or go out of the way to read any, in fact I very rarely read on Wattpad period, so I apologize if this chapter does not live up to your expectations.

Please note that all chapters are cannon and has the same format as side story one, also all characters presented here are of the same age and each story is around 4K words. And each story has a different theme! *Wink Wink*


(Ya naughty readers)

Bark Bark Woof

It's a beautiful day this morning. The sun is shining, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, only one person could make it better.

I hear a knock at the door and I quickly turn from the window I was looking through. I knew exactly who was at the door and that knowledge made me smile uncontrollably.

But I take time to compose myself and make sure my room is spic and span. I'm glad I've taken the time to clean it before he arrived, and it's a good thing I woke up early today.

I walk by my mirror and double check to make sure I look perfect, and I do. Brimming with confidence, I exit my room and make my way towards the knocking at my door.

I stand before my door and take a deep breath composing myself to make sure I look the most graceful I can be. My plan was to settle on a neutral look and wait to open the door and see Robin before putting on a polite smile, so he can see that he is the reason I put a smile on my face.

After making sure I was one hundred percent prepared, I open the door while I feel a slight nudge on my shoulder.

Lisa: "Good morning Robi- Geh!" I exclaim when I see who it is.

Markus: "You thought it was Robin, but it was I! Markus!" He exclaims loudly with a grin.

My world begins to shake and I hear a gentle voice calling my name, it was undoubtedly the one I had wished to see at my door.

Robin: "Lisa, it's time to wake up, we're going to be late for class." I hear his voice whisper into my ear.

And finally, I wake from my dream.

My eyes fly open and I wake up in a cold sweat, how is it that Markus keeps worming his way into my dreams? But more importantly, the boy of my dream's face was right above mine!

Robin: "Good morning Lisa." He says flatly and genially.

I quickly sit up in shock, and accidentally headbutt Robin in the process.

Lisa: "Ow!" I exclaim rubbing my forehead, at least he's real.

Robin: "Are you alright?" He asks worriedly, quickly lifting my hands to make sure I was okay seeming unaffected by the hit.

Normally I'd only lightly blush at his proximity, but the way he checks up on me was different. With my hands in his, he closely examines my forehead.

Lisa: "U-Unhand me Robin I am quite alright!" I quickly exclaim as I start to struggle, but Robin's gentle hands are too strong for me.

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