Part 31

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     Here we are four days later. The day of the attack is tomorrow and they have everything planned out and ready to go. After an intense training session this morning Jake and the warriors he is taking with him are resting up. 

     Currently Jake is showing me how to play his favorite board game, Monopoly, while we eat some dinner that I made. I honestly could care less for this game, but watching how serious Jake is taking it and the smile on his face, I decide that it's not that terrible. 

     "Jules, it's your turn", I look at him shocked, quickly swallowing the bite of salad I was chewing. 

     "Jules?" I ask, my stomach fluttering. I have never had a nickname before, well not a nice one at least. 

     "Yeah, do you like it?" I nod, answering his question. And neither of us can keep the smile off of our faces. Jake laughs and then gestures to the board, "just roll the dice Jules." 

     We continue playing in silence for a while after until our plates are empty and stacked to the side. I'm still not sure I am playing the game right or if I am supposed to be strategizing something, my turn lasts less than a minute while Jake takes ages going over everything thing before he makes a decision.

     "What's your favorite color?" I ask Jake, braking him out of his intense concentration of the game. He looks at me quickly, eyebrows furrowed together in question. "I don't really know anything about you, and I want to." And that is true. Ever since I got here everything has been crazy, sure I know some things about him but not really the basics. And what is a better question than asking what their favorite color is? 

     "This is an easy question. The color of your eyes obviously." I then proceed to roll those very eyes at his cheesy answer. Well I guess that's what I get for asking a cheesy question. "And that means it is my turn to ask a question. Favorite ice cream flavor?" Jake questions. As I am opening my mouth to reply though he cuts me off "no wait I already know, cookie dough!" And the smile on his face is so contagious that I feel my lips lift upwards towards my eyes. "Speaking of ice cream, do I have enough in the freezer for you while I'm gone. It should only be one day but if we count tonight and and the fact that I might need to stay longer. Oh no! There is not enough ice cream! I'll go to the store right now. I'm a terrible mate, I am so sorry Jules." 

     Here we go again. These past few days Jake has been exceptionally attentive and possessive. And there are a few good reasons for it, such as he has not marked me yet, he will be leaving tomorrow while I stay here, and his instincts are driving him crazy. And me crazy as well, at first it was kind of cute, but four days later he is still going on and on. 

     "Jake," I say quietly, cutting off his rambling. "There are three tubs of ice cream in the freezer right now. No way can I eat that in one day." I see him about to object so I put my hand over his on the table. The sparks shooting up my arm causing me to smile softly. "And you are not a terrible mate, in fact you are the exact opposite of that." 

     The worry melts off his face as I feel his hand tighten around my fingers. "You are amazing Juliet," he speaks softly. "and I am so glad I found you." We sit there just staring into each others eyes. My heart racing as I see the emotion in his eyes. Suddenly his hand pulls back and I feel my face fall a bit and my hand feels cold at the loss of contact. 

     Jake clears his throat before speaking, eyes darting away from mine. "Alright, let's finish this game and then we'll eat some of that ice cream." 

      About an hour later we finally finished monopoly and Jake won, obviously. We continued to talk and ask each other questions throughout the rest of the game and now we decided to start a movie in the living room before going to sleep. I am currently browsing through the movies, most of them I have never heard of, while Jake is getting us scoops of the ice cream. 

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