Untitled Part 12

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+Main World+

Ebisu, and Sasuke came out of one of the hospital rooms simultaneously. They were the ones that the Hokage had picked up herself to transfer Naruto from the bottom chamber of the Hokage Tower to the hospital at dawn. They made it look like they were trying to discreetly do the task to avoid the enemy finding out, but in truth they were trying to lure the said enemy. So far, no one had shown any suspicious acts, but they had already suspected some of the men, and were monitoring them. Hiding in the shadows were Sakura, Sai, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Hinata, and Shino.

Kiba, Hinata, and Shino were loitering around the hospital. As a tracking team, they could manage to pin-point their target. They might not sense the said target, but Kiba and his partner, Akamaru, can with the given opportunity by sticking their essence. Hinata's Byakugan would be useful for close and long range mapping and lay-outing to check the possible ways of cornering their target. And, Shino could use his bugs for distractions and misdirections, and support.

The Ino-Shika-Chou, who camouflage theirselves as walls inside Naruto's room, with their combined abilities, they could stop the enemy, and Sakura and Sai would come in action.

Sakura wore her casual clothes. She was doing her rounds in the hospital like she usually did, but her main objective was to knock out Black Zetsu in incognito, and heal her comrades if ever there were any injuries. Sai in the other hand was outside of Naruto's room in the clear grass garden. He looked over his shoulder, checking the blonde teen through the window, before setting up his things to paint. With his ability, he can easily relay a message to everyone, and seal the captured enemy in his huge scroll.

Everything was planned out perfectly with Shikamaru as the brain of the operation. When his first plan failed, Sai, who would have already relay the message to others, the next in action would come immediately.

For the meantime, everyone would have to lay-low.

Reaching the entry way of the hospital, Ebisu quietly eyed Sasuke, who merely stood stoically. The man then nodded his head, and left while Sasuke went to a small pub, following a man he himself assigned to monitor.

Sasuke found a table to sit. Behind him was the one he was monitoring, a man with short, unruly, dark gray hair in Konoha Military uniform. From what the teen could see, the man was a Commoner. Ordering a glass of bottomless iced tea, Sasuke silently listened as the man ordered some booze, and later on got drunk with others that had meet up with the man.

A loud laugh was heard from a bald, and bulky ninja. He slammed his beer on the table and said, "Mannn... Did you guys remember that kid?"

"Kid?" asked the other, the one wjo had dark gray hair.

"Yeah... That Uchiha prodigy."

At the mention of the last two words, Sasuke perked up.

"Ohhh..." the third person in the table, a retired ninja, joined in. "He was Itachi, right? That kid was good! Unfortunately, he killed his clan, and betrayed Konoha."

The bald one nodded. "That traitor..." he snarled lowly. "Good thing his younger brother killed 'im. Now Konoha has one less traitor to think of. Haha! Serves him right!"

The dark gray haired man poured another round of booze to each of them, and exclaimed, "Cheers to Sasuke Uchiha! Cheers for saving us of the problem!"

It was not the first time that Sasuke had heard similar things. He was aware that, though there were others who disapprove of him, most of the citizens in Konoha, both ninja and civilian, were happy of him killing his own brother, the traitor. But, hearing it for the second time, Sasuke could not contain his feelings anymore. He pounced on the three men that dared spitting on Itachi's name. And, before anyone knew it, the three sprawled on the floor sporting sore cheeks, the tables and chairs were broken, and Sasuke had his Sharingan glaring at the three men.

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