Chapter 12 - Different Night Routine

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Chapter 12 - Different Night Routine


I was bored. Really bored.

The entire day passed by while arranging my belongings. I had brought eighteen luggage, and all of them were unpacked now. Some were placed in Ace's bedroom, and most of them were in the next room. At least one of the main tasks was completed—unpacking. Scratch that, it was the only task I had.

Five of my luggage contained my clothes while the other five had my shoes. Another two of my luggage had makeup and body products. Two luggage included different novels that I set on the shelf where Ace kept space for me. Perks of marrying my best friend? He knew exactly how much space I would need and for what stuff.

Out of the four remaining luggage, one had my accessories while another had the giant purple teddy bear I called, 'Velvet.' Dad gifted it to me on my thirteen birthday and she has been my buddy since then. I placed her on the couch so that I could cuddle with her anytime I would want. I texted Ace about it and he left me on seenzone. The nerve of that guy!

The second-last luggage had plenty of lingerie. I thought I would head straight to my honeymoon with Simon after my marriage, but who knew I would end up with Ace?

The last luggage had merches of my biggest celebrity crush, Vean Joseph. In my eyes, he was the most handsome person alive on earth. Of course, I had to see that incarnation of hotness every day, so I hung one of my favorite posters on the wall of Ace's room.

After unpacking, I talked to Dad in the evening, and he was in sound health. I reminded him to start dating now that I was settled too.

I was staring at Vean's poster with my novel in hand because I just couldn't get into the mood for reading. I had even gone to chat with Emma and Grandma earlier. Ace was still in his study, so I didn't bother him. Luna and Aunt Chloe just got back half an hour ago, so I wanted to give them time to freshen up and rest before dinner. I would hit them up later.

But what should I do until then?

My thoughts were disrupted when Ace stepped inside and his first words were, "Velvet can't be on the couch."

I looked at him with a tight-lipped smile. "Welcome to the room, Mr. Ace Valentino."

He sighed and made his way to the closet room, saying, "Keep her somewhere else."

"Why?" I questioned him. "What problem do you have with my Velvet?"

"It's already weird enough for me to see you every time I step into my room. The last thing I would want is a creepy soft toy looking at me while sitting on my couch every time I step into my room. Include that Velvet can't be in this room as a condition." he explained to me.

I wanted to argue with him on how he could call my Velvet creepy, but when I realized he was technically right, I frowned.

"So where should I keep it then?" I asked.

"You can keep it in the room next to this one, where the rest of your belongings are," he hollered from the closet room.

I sucked in a deep breath and walked toward Velvet. "I am sorry, but you can't live here, Velvet. You distract Ace." I carried her in my arms. "I should've taken you to the gym with me," I mumbled while struggling to gather it in my arms.

Ace seemed to hear me because he again hollered, "You never went to the gym in the first place."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up!"

I was about to take away Velvet when I heard Ace scream, "What the fuck is this?"

"What?" I asked since I couldn't see due to Velvet blocking my vision.

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