23 | awakened

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Hi my lovely besties. I'm so sorry for the delayed update. Some of you might have noticed from the announcement I posted on my message board that life has been pretty chaotic these days. To make matters worse, my Mom was admitted into the hospital again. I even had to take some days off from my full-time job. But thankfully, she has been discharged. As I told you, the covid cases in my city have increased rapidly again. I hope you are safe and healthy wherever you are.

I just want you to know that there's no way I would abandon this story and the reason why I didn't update was completely different from what some of you accused me of.

Lots of love,


"This way, Sir

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"This way, Sir." The VIP usher leads me further into the nightclub.

The smell of alcohol strikes my nostrils while the sound of deep thumping music echoes in my ears. Girls are dancing wildly on the dance floor, and I can feel people's gaze on me while I'm making my way through the crowd.

It's not unusual that I meet a business partner at night in this kind of place, although I prefer to do it in the office. What can I say? Some important deals are more effectively closed outside the workplace.

I step into the VIP lounge and spot Alexander Barrack, my business acquaintance, sitting in the corner with his companions, two beautiful women clung at his sides. They wear dresses that can make any man in this room want to handcuff them on their bed. But this sight doesn't trigger anything in me, unfortunately

Alex's eyes glint with excitement as soon as I arrive in front of his table.

"Good to see you again, Aiden," he greets as I sit down. "Been waiting for you forever."

"Something came up in the office," I say.

"Always so formal," he chirps, noticing how I'm still dressed in my office suit while he looks casually enough to make me think that he plans to spend time here until the sun rises again.

"I'm not planning to stay long," I state. I just want us to talk about business without beating around the bush and get this done in no time.

Alex laughs. "Come on. You've just arrived. Loosen up a little, won't you? We still have so many things to talk about."

I glance around, noticing that all the other tables in this VIP Longue are unoccupied.

"Don't worry," Alex says. "There's nobody else here."

I throw him a sharp look, gesturing toward his companions.

He lets out a chuckle. "Come on."

"We won't talk about business until it's just the two of us," I say firmly.

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