3 - Web of Evil

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A Dark hall Echoing with the drops of blood from a knife. There joins a frightened yet curious breath and the beatings of the heart. The eyes of the wielder of knife stares at the body. A guy gutted out and dead lying under a flickering light. His blood was on the floor and on the killer's clothes as well as on his face. As the light flicker on the face of the killer, It shows the Darkness... A version of Damon, he himself can't remember. Damon was petrified in his place just staring at the body.
Then there comes a soothing voice from the behind.

"We can twist ourselves into all manner of uncomfortable positions, just to hide our reality. Morality is a fake man made emotion. All you should feel here is Morale. So no one can take away the appearance you choose!"

As the voice finishes, Damon's knife drops and makes a sound of breaking something strong yet sensitive.

One month earlier -

Sia - "The stitching isn't good, they are opening up pretty easily. The bones and guts are missing. Bodies are just hooked to the ceiling."

Clark - "What could be the motives behind doing such a thing?"

Damon - "They were cut in half and then their bones taken out. But none of other things in the body were needed so our killer stitched them back and hooked them to ceiling."

Clark - "So what's the motive?"

Damon - "That's the point, that person clearly got what he or she wanted but let's think from criminal's perspective. There was no hatred in this killing.. there was just two emotions present here strongly. One is need and second is amusement."

Clark - "So you are telling me, it was done for fun."

Damon - "Yes.. it's fun and filled with rush."

Clark - "So how do we catch the criminal?"

Damon - "What are the uses of bones?"

Sia - "That's a very small amount of bone so the only use it can provide bonemill for plants, beauty products or maybe weapons and tools!"

Damon - "Musical instruments?"

Sia - "Yeah that too!"

Damon - "Then there you go.... The bodies are hanging from strings and authentic strings that many musicians prefer are usually made of animal guts. So Bones and Guts... Our criminal either makes authentic music instruments for sells or for himself. And maybe he or she likes killing too... So why not use human parts for instruments instead of animal parts."

Seth - "We should check out missing cases too. Cause there's no way, it's the first or last kill."

Clark - "Do that... Making music instruments from human parts. The world's going to hell pretty quick."

Clark walks out of the room while forensics keep their work on.

Damon - "Someone should focus on that kid tho... He is still traumatized, none of us wants future generations to catch the dema."

Clark - "I asked sarah to take her to special orphanage. Don't worry... None of us wants to question him until he is completely fine and still then... The orphanage caretakers will do the job."

Damon - "I know I can trust you for that!"

Clark - "Then try to trust Ivy too!"

Damon - "Why?"

Clark - "FBI directors are suggesting her for supervision in our all cases. She's gonna be my chief too."

Damon - "Wait what? Why tho?"

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