Chapter 41

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Grayson and I left Mason back at work while we went to the Ritz where the live interviews being held. We stepped into the pristine and polished lobby.

Grayson grips his hand in mine as we walk together. Instead of heading to the front desk, we go straight to the elevators. Grayson presses the button for the fourth floor. While we wait he places a loving kiss to my temple. "After today, we have nothing to hide."

I look up into his dark eyes. "After today, everyone's going to know, everyone."

Together we exit the elevator and walk down an empty hallway. The further we walk the louder the chatter becomes. Behind one of the many doors are cameras, stylists, the interviewer and five billion other people all fussing with different bits and bobs.

"Wow, not intimidating at all." He chuckles at the clear discomfort in my voice.

"Let's get this over with." Walking in people began to notice us. One particular man in a white button up, slacks and a scarf around his neck ran over.

"Finally! You're late! Alexa! Get over here and lead Mr Black to the room to change. Make sure to do touch ups! I'll take Mrs Black."

Graysons led off by a beautiful red head while I'm taken into another room by... whoever this guy is.

"Um, excuse me sir? What exactly are we doing?"

He was racing around the room grabbing garment after garment and holding it up. He paused only for a second to answer my question. "Getting you ready for the camera of course!"

Huh? Camera? Me? No! Pictures are one thing but sitting in front of a live camera while the whole worlds criticising me. Yeah, Nah! I'll pass thanks.

"I think you're mistaken. I'm only here to support my husband." This time he doesn't pause to answer my questions, he continues manoeuvring throughout the room.

"I don't think so. He called us specifically today to remind us that you'd be joining him on camera and to have plenty of outfit options." He hands me an outfit.

"Try this on."

I hold the clothes to my chest "can I at least get your name?"

"Louis. Now darling get dressed we have little time and so much to do!" He left the room so I could change into the outfit he picked out.

It was a gorgeous light blue dress. The fabric felt like it was expensive which made me a little nervous. I don't was to rip it or spill something on it. It's a little shorter than I expected but I have a feeling Grayson requested as much. Horny idiot. With the dress I wore a pair of YSL pearl strappy heels and a matching pearl necklace.

He knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah!" I called back, fastening the strap on my left shoe. Louis waltzed back into the room, behind him Ally, Lisa and... Ricky? Trailed in.

"Alright darling, I'm leaving you in the very capable hands of Ally, Lisa and Ricky. I cannot wait to see the final look! He kissed my cheek and closed the door behind him. Lisa and Ally immediately gave me a heartwarming hug, gushing over the dress I wore.

Ricky sort of hung back. While I talked to Ally and Lisa. Eventually we all settled down and they began on my makeup which seemed to be a ice blue shimmer look.

Ricky started on my hair. We all stewed in silence. Ally and Lisa worked away. While I made awkward eye contact with Ricky.

The girls finished my makeup quickly since they were both on the job. They left, leaving me and Ricky to each other's company.

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