Chapter 22: Eight

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The door had only just shut behind them when Marcus spun her around and captured her lips with his. Rain instinctively wound her arms around his neck to bury her hands in the hair at the back of his head as a rush of excitement crashed over her. His hand travelled along her shoulder, pushing her dress down with it, before his mouth followed the same path, trailing ardent kisses.

"We must take care," he mumbled against her skin. "I do not wish to risk making your wound worse again."

Part of her wanted to say not to worry. She loved it when he kissed her with his full passion, like he had the previous night, but she also didn't particularly want to faint again.

"That sounds dreadfully boring," she complained.

He lifted his head and the smile playing on his lips made her insides flutter to life. "I believe I should be able to keep it from being boring."

Lifting her chin in challenge, she stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his neck just below the ear. "Prove it," she whispered.

She gasped as he growled and lifted her in one swift motion, her legs wrapping around his waist as he pushed her against the door. Night air nipped at her skin as her skirts rode up her thighs to make space for him between them. Something hard pressed against her heated core, and even through the fabric of his trousers, the touch sent a jolt of electricity through her. Marcus's mouth returned to hers, kissing her deeply, his tongue mimicking the movements of his hips as he ground against her. The friction stoked the fire inside her to a blazing inferno, and she could not get enough. Enough of him against her. Enough of the heady scent of sandalwood mixed with ink.

His hands buried in her hair, picking out the pins and dropping them to the floor. Each brief clatter when a pin hit the floor accentuated by another roll of his hips. As the last fell, he pulled back slightly to watch his handiwork; her long hair falling down her shoulders.

"I always loved your hair," he admitted as one of his hands cupped her nape. "So soft."

Gathering her hair, he wrapped it around his hand and tugged gently, encouraging her to tilt her head back. Leaning down, he dragged his lips over her neck, sending shivers of excitement through her. She moaned as he found an especially sensitive spot. He nibbled and sucked, kissed and teased until she moved restlessly against him. This wasn't nearly enough.


He lifted his head again, his eyes hooded as he gazed down at her.

"I... I want more than this." As she voiced her wish, she could feel her cheeks heat. No one could accuse her of being shy, but she wasn't usually quite this forward. Especially not in these things. Her sister-in-law had told her a lot about what one might expect from the marriage bed before her wedding to Marcus, but it was one thing to know about something in theory, and another entirely to consider doing them in practice.

For a moment he did nothing but stare at her, then he nodded and before she had time to react, he carried her across the room to the bed and sat her down on it. When he didn't follow, but remained at the foot of the bed, she scooted backwards as she watched him tug at his cravat. Leaning back against the pillows, she smiled as he pulled the fabric from his neck. He shrugged out of his coat and threw it on a chair. When he began working on the buttons of his shirt, her throat suddenly felt dry. As if he could sense her reaction, he looked up and his hazel eyes met hers as his movements slowed down. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Am I the only one getting undressed?" He pulled the shirt over his head, and she swallowed as she saw the broad expanse of his bare chest again. The scar coming across his shoulder did little to detract from how incredibly good looking he was. Taut muscles played under his skin as he kicked off his shoes and pulled his stockings off.

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