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while bella was on her honeymoon, i spent most of my time smoking weed, stockpiling stolen cold medicine, and going on long "dog walks" with jake. i tried to think up all the different ways i could finesse a benzo prescription, but there wasnt much i could do with my medical history. it wasnt worth it, anyway, i guess. getting stoned wasnt enough, though. it didnt numb any pain, it just made me lose time.
one night, when charlie was working late, i mixed a couple of different things and something must have gone off in jakes hive-mind. we have this connection that transcends space and time. hes kind of omnipresent sometimes.
as the meds were kicking in and i smoked my third bowl, jake texted me that he was on his way over with a surprise for me from the market. i had been complaining earlier in the day that i desperately needed ice cream, but he was busy then.
i tried to take a shower to wake myself up, but it almost made things worse. i just became wet, warm and bleary-eyed. i lost track of time and i heard him enter through the back door as i closed my eyes and let the water run down my face. i turned the water off and stood still in the shower, listening. i heard heavy footsteps on the stairs and then the hallway. there was a gentle knock on the door.
"ada? are you in the shower?" jake asked, muffled by the door. "did you get my texts?"
"come in," i said too quietly. not a problem for my wolfman.
he opened the door, holding a plastic bag with a pint of ice cream in it.
he stood in the door frame, illuminated from behind by the light in the hallway.
"why... are you showering in the dark?" he asked uncertainly. he reached a hand out and flicked the light on.
i immediately forgot that he had said anything. i was leaning against the blue and white tiles in the shower, watching and feeling the steam come off my body.
"ada?" jake said, setting the bag down on the floor. "whats going on?"
"what?" i asked, not sure what he was referring to. he walked over to me and took a towel off the rack. he wrapped a big beige one around my shoulders and lead me out of the tub.
"are you alright? are you stoned or something?"
i nodded. he guided me into my room and left momentarily to... i forget what he said he was going to do.
i flopped down into my bed and curled up, still wearing my towel around my shoulders. i closed my eyes and i was surrounded by a warm red glow.
when jake came upstairs, he was holding some rectangle in his hand. he flicked my bedroom light on and gave me a sour look.
i squinted at the object in his hand. "what?" i asked.
"i thought you were done with this shit, man," he said, and i could see he was holding a box of cough medicine.
"you went through the trash?" i asked as if that were pathetic or unwarranted.
"i was throwing the bag out. dont turn this around on me. what are you doing, taking this crap?" he said angrily, his tone and inflection darkening.
i shrugged and rolled in bed to turn my back to him. he came over and rolled me roughly onto my back, jiggling the world in my vision.
"chill out," i grumbled, blinking until my eyes settled.
"you cant keep doing this to yourself," he said, clearly taking this personally.
"why does everyone else get to decide what i can and cant do?" i asked, forcing myself into sitting in an upright position. the bed bobbed and creaked beneath me like a wooden boat.
"because you clearly cant make those decisions on your own," he asserted. i felt a twinge of pain in my chest and frowned.
"fuck you," i grumbled, crossing my arms.
"fuck me? whos that talking, you or the coricidin?"
i stood to my feet and tried to push jake out of my room towards my door, but even leaning all of my weight into him, he didnt so much as budge.
"go away, take your ice cream and go home."
he crossed his arms, looking angry and defeated. "you dont want to push me away."
"thats exactly what im trying to do, actually."
he frowned at me and stepped back so i would drop my arms and stop pushing him.
it was silent between us for a moment.
"alright," he finally said and turned to walk through the doorway. once on the other side, he said, "i hope youll be okay tonight."
i shrugged and closed the door and locked it. he tried to open the door and jiggled the handle.
"ada, come on," he said, starting to soften and sound sad rather than angry. he tried to knock, called my name and said he was sorry for going through the trash. i said nothing.

and over again [SEQUEL to over and over] [[Jacob Black x OC]] ..twilight..Where stories live. Discover now