Chapter 53

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"Here," I said to Laurence's startled twenty-two-year-old secretary, dropping a bouquet of sunflowers on the reception desk. She stared down at the flowers, completely confused.

"Um... what?" she squeaked, pushing her glasses further up her thin nose to look at the flowers more closely. "Who would..." She cleared her throat and finally found her soothing secretary voice. "Who would you like these delivered to? Mr. Royal?" she asked, deep blue eyes peering up at me curiously from under her dark lashes. She tucked several chocolate brown curly strands behind her ear nervously.

I shook my head, trying not to make any sudden movements. I didn't want to spook her. With my luck, she'd scurry behind the lobby couch if I sneezed funny. "These are for you... from me."

She gingerly picked up the flowers, wide-eyed. "Really?" She smelled them, cheeks brushing against the petals, face brightening slightly. And then she looked up at me with a skeptical expression. "Why?"

"Because I've scared you out of your wits a few times and you were just doing your job." I motioned to them awkwardly. "These are apology flowers." I put on my best attempt at an unscary smile, hoping I wouldn't send her running. Because apparently, I was terrifying.

"Oh..." she said, dumbfounded before smelling the flowers again. "Thanks." She stared down at them, smiling to herself, enjoying the sudden turn of events.

I rubbed the back of my neck, stepping back from her desk slowly. "No problem. I'll try not to spook you in the future." I moved past her desk, heading towards the elevator.

"Wait!" she called after me. "Are you here to see Mr. Royal?"

I turned back. "Yep... Do you want a ten-second head start to call ahead or something?"

She stood up, placing her hands on the countertop, a serious expression furrowing her brow. "No... I..." She sucked in a breath, cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. "I want you to be good to Mr. Royal."

I would have laughed at her demand if she hadn't looked utterly serious. Looking away, she tugged at a loose strand of curly hair. "He's been through a lot and deserves someone kind— I mean he deserves kindness in general."

I walked back to her desk, watching her itch to shrink away from me as I analyzed her. But she held her ground, which was very impressive, considering how easily startled she normally was. "You care about him a lot."

Her face turned a shade redder before she stammered in quick succession, panicked. "NO! I mean... professionally, yes. He's a good boss and a good person. And he always smells nice— No! Oh gosh... Just the boss part. No smelling part."

I laughed. "It's okay. It was just an observation. And you are right, he is a good person." I turned back to the elevator. "We aren't dating by the way. Want me to put in a good word for you?" I shot her a mischievous grin over my shoulder as I walked into the elevator. "Speak now or forever hold your peace!"

She dropped back into her chair, suddenly very busy organizing her pencils. "No thanks! Um... Carry on. I hope you have a good meeting. DON'T SAY ANYTHING!"

I laughed as the elevator doors closed behind me, echoes of her panicked protests cut off. "She's too easy to mess with... I like her."

I found Laurence sitting behind his desk, looking utterly exhausted. The storm clouds rolling across the Los Angeles skyline did little to cast his office in welcoming light. Instead, it matched the mood that he was in, sending the space into long, dark shadows as rain streamed down the windows.

His eyes scanned countless documents, hair a mess of tangles. "Do I dare ask why my secretary just called me, begging me not to listen to any... good word you try to put in for anyone?" Laurence asked.

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