Chapter 30 | Superhero

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(Picture above is Bella's outfit)

(Video is the song Tyler sings)

Chapter 30 | Superhero

"Merry Christmas!" Ali sang excitedly over the phone. It's been two weeks since the sleepover extravaganza and winter break started a week ago. Daniel had been texting and calling me non-stop repeatedly apologizing and it's not that I didn't want to talk to him, it's just after my newfound feelings for Ty surfaced I couldn't face him.

Tyler on the other hand only texted and called twice and when I picked up, we got in a fight over him and Daniel resulting in us avoiding each other. Ali and Dy were inseparable which was making everyone annoyed. I mean seriously, those two spent so much time making out I forgot what the front of their faces looked like. Still, I'm happy for them.

Ty also never got to avenge his sister (why does that sound like something from marvel?) that night but after we had a pillow fight (started by Ethan) and everyone fell asleep, he and I snuck up to the roof and talked and he decided to let it go. He didn't tell me much about his sister or any of his family for that matter but I knew he'd tell me on his own time.

Now I'm currently sitting on my mattress awaiting my father. He hasn't returned from the bar yet but when he does he'll make a beeline straight into my room and well, I assume you know what's next. In all honesty, I couldn't blame him, I'm the reason she's gone, I'd hate myself as well if I was him. As if he could sense my thoughts, the door opened and I could hear it hitting the wall with a forceful thud.

"Merry Christmas Ali!" I yelled in a hushed tone, "I gotta go but I'll see you over at Dy's later yeah?" "Heck yeah! Bye!"

The moment I hung up the door barged open and thus began my service as being my father's punching bag.


I stared at the light brown house I was situated in front of. With a heavy sigh, I stepped out of my warm car and into the cold December air. The houses on the street were decorated, with one house particularly out-shining the other houses. I reckon they bought every decoration ever made and then some.

I ambled over to the door and rang the doorbell. "I'm gonna kill him, I swear I will." I force myself not to smile so I don't crack my already cut lip further. "Hello to you too, Aunt Slo."

She invited me in and situated me on the couch before fetching her first aid kit. Her house was decorated almost the same way as back in Michigan, the only difference being how the house was built. One picture on the fireplace caught my attention and like the wonderful niece I am, I ignored her commands to stay on the couch and walked over to it.

In the picture, my mother was sitting on the hospital bed holding me in her arms, Matthew was kneeling beside her on the bed while my father was smiling at me with loving eyes. I touched the woman sitting in the middle. People always said I looked like her but I never saw it.

"That was taken moments before they named you. Your father was so scared to hold you he vowed not to hold you until you turned two." I look at her in disbelief, "are you serious?" I almost cackled "yup, but he cracked and he held you after an hour of your mother and I incessantly teasing him. She pointed to another photo, "I took this the moment he held you." I stare at the man in the photo, the man whose eyes weren't bloodshot from alcohol, the man who was grinning at me, his daughter, with the most loving eyes. He's my father, not the one that beats me up every day, not the one that insults and belittles me, not the one that locks me in a closet for two days, not the one that doesn't care when other men touch me. My father is the one that had a teacher suspended after they said bad things about me, he's the one that came to all my recitals, he's the one that always carried me on his shoulders, he's the one that called me Belle because I loved Beauty and The Beast, the one that sang me to sleep and read me stories. The one that loved me.

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