🐙Introduction 🐙

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Welcome to "Teacups & Tentacles" a Steampunk-light comedy adventure based on the English ONC 2022 prompt number 82: 

"This is an alternate Victorian London and there is a terrifying new exhibit at London Zoo". 

The world of the story errs on the side of being more Victorian London than outright cog-crammed Steampunk, although the adventure element of that genre is still present. Fans will hopefully read in a forgiving mindset. 

On the plus side, "Teacups & Tentacles" a comedy. Get ready to chuckle. Oh, and when you do, let me know where, please. It's always a great thing for a comedy writer to know where she's getting the laughs. 🤣 😁

Since I tend to write stories with large casts, here is a list of characters to refer back to if you can't recall who is who.

The Masterminds:

Roddy McCringle, has a voice as loud as his stature is large

Millie Goldwalken, tough little biddy who likes to be in the middle of the action

Stephen Clanker, proud owner of Bobby the Invisible Dog

Doris / Jeremy van Beetraap, a sweetheart of a gender fluid inventor  

Peter Redlinkum, absentminded old gent with a prodigious memory and a mild stutter

Harriet Kroening,  a bright bulb prone to compulsive cackling and chewing on her own hair 

Reginald Thwackshift, former journalist and (self-proclaimed) Casanova

Andrew Highbottom, inventor with a cynical view of just about everything

The Metropolitan Police:

Inspector Gusset, who has been assigned the impossible task of apprehending an escaped sea monster

Sergeant Wilmot, doesn't have two brain cells to rub together and takes everything literally

Now, without further ado, enjoy the adventures of Amelia Tooting-Spur, Godwin Jones and all their friends down the Mastermind Society in "Teacups & Tentacles"  🐙  ⏩ ⏩⏩⏩

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