my-log: america

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

IT HAS BEEN ALMOST ONE WEEK since I lost Geun. I haven't left my apartment once, unless I really couldn't stand being in my dorm and needed to take a walk. But if I saw anyone, I would quickly retreat inside. I didn't want their pity.

I haven't picked up my phone in a while. The only reason I would use it, would be to watch Netflix or read the news. If I saw a text from Julie or Seong, I'd throw my phone across the room, angry. I'm not sure why, they're only checking up on me.

Today, I feel different. I get the urge to leave my apartment and check my mail box. Not sure why, but it felt like something was calling to me from there.

I open my door and peek my head outside. The coast is clear. I step out, and make my way down the hall to the mailboxes. Using my key, I open the box with the print A4 on it, looking inside. It's almost stuffed to the max with envelopes and papers. Figures, I hadn't checked it in 5 days.

As I'm carefully taking my mail out, I hear the elevator ding. My heart drops, and I stop all movement in my body as I listen to their shoes hit the tile. Please, please, please don't be someone I know. Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me—

"Y/n..." Their voice sounds relieved.

I swallow hard and sigh, irritated. I don't even know who it is, but I'm already annoyed. I look over my shoulder slowly, but my shoulders become less heavy as I see who it is. They're looking at me with sad yet relieved eyes, and they suddenly throw their arms around my head and hug me.

"...Oh my god, you're alright."

"...Hm?" I hum into his chest.

He pushes me off him and holds me tightly by the shoulders, shaking me. "Answer your phone! At least once! To let us know you're breathing!!"

"...Sorry..." I whisper. My chin drops to my chest. "I'm...I just have no do anything..." My voice starts to waiver.

"...Geez, y/n." He sighs, then hugs me again.

"...Why are you up here...Heeseung?"

"Lea sent me to check up on you. Seems like you're okay."


When he pulls away again, I decide to brush past him and start walking back to my apartment.

"Wait, y/n—"

"I'm fine. I just want to be alone...Please."

I can tell he gives up, because he doesn't run after me and or say anything else. No, he doesn't give up. He accepts it.

I close my door behind me and slide down the wall, on the verge of tears. I place my mail in my lap and run my fingers through my extremely tangled hair. Great...I'm only worrying everyone by staying here. But I don't want to go back to work. I don't want to talk with anyone. I'm just...tired.

I inhale and exhale, calming myself down to stop myself from crying. After composing myself, I thumb through my mail, throwing most of the useless stuff back on the ground. I come across one specific piece of mail that catches my eye, to the point that I actually read the name of who it's from.


My brows furrow. America Styling Company? That's one of the biggest companies in world that recruit stylists and makeup artists to dress up celebrities. Is this a scam?

I quickly open it and pull out a folded letter. It's a pretty hefty paragraph, but some lines stand out to me more than others.

Hello Y/n L/n!

We understand you are a talented makeup artist for the world famous K-Pop group ENHYPEN.

Many higher-ups in your company have recommended you to us. Your drive and talent stands out.

We would love for you to work with us here,

In New York City.

If interested, please contact us! We'd love to hear your response.

I read the letter 10, 20, 30 times over. No way this was real. If it's real...

I pull out my phone and google the contact information they left on the letter. It matched perfectly with the official number and email they had posted on their website, meaning this letter is legit.

...I don't hesitate to dial the phone number. Part of me is only calling because I still doubt the credibility of this letter. The other part of me is calling because I actually...

want the job.

...Everything in Korea reminds be of Geun. I feel like I'm suffocating here. I don't want to continue working at HYBE. The only reason I'm here in the first place was because of Geun...I...I don't want to be here anymore...

I need a change of scenery.

I need a change of scenery

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
fansign ᝰ enhypen ✓ (poc reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें