Chapter 6

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"Did you drive here?" I asked as I watched him sip champagne at the dinner table.

"No." he said.

"Okay, good." I said.

"Why? Are you worried about me?" he smirked.

"I'm worried about the people on the road." I said.

"It's okay to admit you like me."

"I don't like you." I whispered to him.

He was quiet after that as we focused back on eating. Every now and then someone will ask him some questions and that give me a sense of relief.

I couldn't wait for the dinner to finish or for him to leave. He gets on my nerves very quickly with his words and actions.

"I heard your parents are celebrating something this weekend." my uncle asked.

"Yes." Carter said.

I think this was the event that aunt Helen was talking about. Thank goodness she is not here this evening.

"I was hoping Everleigh would accompany me for the dinner." Carter glanced at me quickly and everyone looked at me. I hate these kinds of attention and these invitations in front of a large number of people. It makes declining the invitation ten times more awkward.

"I'm sorry but I will be out of town." I said to everyone. "I have a business trip to attend to."

"I'm sure you can reschedule." My father said. I pursed my lip as soon as those sentences left his mouth.

"I can't." I said firmly to my father.

My father's hazel eyes was glaring at me as if telling me to not talk back. I have learnt from certain someone that work is more important than family, so I shouldn't be judged by my decision.

"I will tell Valerie to reschedule your trip." he said.

"Valerie works for me and not for you." I reminded him.

The room suddenly felt more quiet than before.

"Evie." My mother's quiet voice warned me to not make a scene in front of our guests.

I stood up and said, "I have something schedule for the morning, so I have to leave early." I excused myself and walked away from the dinner table.

I heard footsteps behind me but chose to ignore the person.

"Everleigh." I heard the hesitancy in his voice.

I turned to look at Carter. "I'm genuinely sorry. I'm not even making up excuses but I really have a business trip this weekend." I said to him.

"Don't worry about that." he said. I could hear the sincerity in his words. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." I said. "Why won't I be?"

He scratched his head which I assume is his awkward or nervous movement. Did I just made him nervous?

"Can I drop you home?" he asked.

"I have a ride." I tell him. "I will be fine. I'm sorry that your dinner plan has to end like this." I don't even know why I'm apologizing to him. He chose to come here on his own.

"No. I-" he seemed to be at a lost of words.

That's a first.

As I was about to leave he grabbed my wrist to stop me. "How about we go and grab some ice cream?"

Never in a million years would I have imagined Carter to have this side of him. Dean, who works for Carter dropped us at a local ice cream store.

I thought the place would be busy but it was quiet.

"Here is your strawberry shortcake ice cream." he said as he placed my cup down in front of me. I looked at the ice cream in front of me and whispered a quick thank you.

He sat across from me and remained quiet as I took a bite of the ice cream. It was delicious. I wonder if he has been here before.

"They sell the best ice cream but unfortunately not many people are aware about it." he tried to start a very general conversation. I was glad about that.

"I think they would do better if they were located near crowded areas." I said.

"Yes." he said and then we both fell quiet and continued to eat our ice cream.

"I-" he started and I glanced at him.

His face seem hesitant before he blurted out a "I'm sorry." his face turned red with what I assume was embarrassment, so were his ears.

I think this man has trouble apologizing to someone. I wanted to tease him but decided not to.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I shouldn't have mentioned about wanting you to attend my parent's party." he said quietly.

"It's not your fault." I said to him.

I watched him grimace lightly.

"When is the party?" I asked him.

"On Saturday night at my parent's place in Richmond." he said.

"Well, you could have an extra slice of cake on behalf of me." I tried to lighten up the mood and he smiled a little.

"You should smile more." I said to him. "You look more approachable that way."

"Not more handsome?" he joked.

I was astonished by his words and threw my head back and laughed. "You sounded so narcissistic."

He grinned.

"Why are you inviting me to meet your family?" I asked. "it's not like we're friends."

"Which is why I called you this afternoon." he rolled his eyes. "but you didn't want to listen."

"It's not like I didn't want to listen. You need to work on your manners."

"I attended etiquette classes when I was young, thank you very much." he said.

"I did too." I said surprised to hear he attended one too. "Then where are your talking etiquette?"

"Right. I don't know?" he said. "You think it's at home?"

"Way to go." I laughed as he smiled. I didn't want my heart to melt at the sight of his smile, so I questioned him again about inviting me to the party.

"I thought the best way to end the cycle for blind dates is to pretend that we're seeing each other." he shrugged.

That idea ladies and gentlemen was the solution to my problem. No commitment to a relationship but get the work done.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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