Chapter 13

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Breakfast went by uneventfully for Severus and Harry. However, Severus noticed Harry still hadn't eaten much. He should have noticed how an 11-year-old ate so little in the Great Hall. He didn't eat as much as an 8-year-old. He blamed himself for the fact that he didn't though.

As both of them finished breakfast, Severus stood up. He had planned to brew some potions after breakfast. He was going to brew more calming draughts and nutrition potions and he was going to try brewing some of the potions that he was developing and inventing. He was a potions master after all.

"Harry, have you finished all of your homework?"

"I've still got your essay" - Harry said softly while putting his plate away

"OK, work on it then. I'll be in my lab" - The man said as he walked out into the hall.

Harry's eyes widened and twinkled.

A potions lab! A real potions lab belongs to a potions master!

"Can I come with you?" - Harry said hopefully.

Severus noticed it was the first time Harry had ever asked him for something. The boy was opening up more and warming up to him. As much as Severus wanted to reward the boy for that by giving him what he wanted, he knew he couldn't though. It was dangerous to stay in the lab while someone was experimenting with their new ideas.

"No, Harry. I'll be experimenting. It's not safe"

Harry's face fell. Usually, at school, Severus would expect the boy to argue back but now, Harry just fell quiet and looked down at his feet.

"I want you to finish your homework by the time I finish, ok?"

"Yes, sir." - Harry said and walked up the stairs to his room.

Having heard Harry's door closed, Severus walked to his lab and started working with his potions while Harry was doing his homework.

Severus came out once to give Harry his snack, which the boy wasn't able to finish. He could have asked Toppy to do it, but Severus wanted to make it and monitor Harry's eating by himself. Not that he would admit that, mind you. After that, they all turned back to their work.

At noon, Severus waved his wand to clean himself and the lab and walked out, up the stairs to Harry's room to call him for lunch. He walked in and saw the most adorable sight ever. Harry was asleep on his bed, but he didn't lie on his back. Instead, he was curled up, his knees under his stomach, pressed to the bed like a little kitten, one hand clutching his Paddington blanket and his stuffed giraffe, which Harry still hadn't told him the name! The other hand of his was clutching a quill. His essay, which was already finished, was on the desk, forgotten. The boy looked very peaceful and from what Severus guessed, he hadn't been asleep for long. Unfortunately, the boy needed his lunch. Severus walked softly to the bed, kneeled down, and started rubbing Harry's back.

"Harry, wake up. It's lunchtime"

It took him a while to finally wake the boy up. Harry sat up, rubbed his eyes, and peered up innocently at Severus.

"Come, it's time for lunch." - Severus said as he took the boy's hand and led him down into the kitchen.

Lunch was uneventful, except for Harry's head, which was popping up and down due to him being sleepy. Finally, the little imp's head fell on his sandwich and settled there. Severus sighed. He stood up and walked to the boy. He gently turned Harry's chair around and placed his hand under the boy's armpits to pick him up.

"Let's get you to bed for a nap" - He said softly.

"'m too big for naps" - Harry mumbled into Severus' shoulder. Even though he said that he still snuggled into the man's shoulder.

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