part 12: one year

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once lilith woke up she found herself in her bed, she realized mark must have put her there after she fell asleep while reading a book with him she got a little embarrassed at the thought 'a child put me to bed! and i was the first to fall asleep!' she got out of bed and did her morning routine, after that she made pancakes and put them all in a casserole so when they all woke up they could take it themselves and she wouldn't have to be there. she decided to go out and practice a bit more

with her sword, she headed to the clearing that she found the day before where she meditated. once she reached she saw that dominic was already practicing with his sword. and he seemed to be facing some problems with the move he would mess up at one point an fall down. the girl who was observing him realized something 'his posture is wrong. i wonder if i should help him or let him find out on his own?' the boy was not oblivious to the presence in the tree. "who ever it is it would be wise to come out

now, unless you want your head detached from the rest of your body." the girl knew that despite his inability to perform the move that he was currently practicing his threat was not empty. she knew there were many after his head so he knew how to kill the assassins sent his way. she jumped of the branch she was sitting on while observing him. once he looked at her the eyes that had turned cold a few seconds ago to confront the 'assassin' turned a little tender as he looked at the girl who had just shown herself to him.

"try it" she said while referring to the line he had just said that was aimed at the assassin he thought that was hidden in the branches a while ago. due to the un-reactive reaction she received the girl repeated what she said, "come at me dominic-sama, would you like a sparing match?" the boy eagerly agreed "yes iris, the pleasure would be all mine." once that was said they charged at each other. lilith decided to only help him and not actually fight him, her intention was only to correct his mistakes ,and not to fight him she lunged

at him, the whole time she was observing his every movement occasionally pushing his limbs into the correct posture to increase the efficiency of his movements. the boy picked up on this, at first he was offended that she was not taking him as a serious opponent and actually acting as a teacher, but he soon he realized the benifits and let the girl do what ever she wanted cause he knew that whatever she was doing helped him. he made note of all the corrections lilith made and made a note to practice it the way he has been recently taught

By lilith. They ended with her sword near his neck to conclude the duel. "dominic-sama i had fun dueling with you." The boy bowed and said "you really are incredible. and thank you very much for your guidance" this was very new to lilith. Usually when she helped someone she would never get anything other than a backstabbing by that person in return, so she got fed up and stopped a long time ago. When she saw him trying g his best to do the move she felt the need to help him and so she did. She did not know

How to react so she just waved her hand stiffly while saying a robotic 'it was nothing' and walking away stiffly the boy stared at her till she was out of sight and went to practice with the corrections lilith made for him . once she found another place she could practice she started to infuse her manna with the sword trying to use magic with the attacks. she infused her mana into the sword 'hmm i can feel the manna leaving my body and transferring into the sword but when i put it in the sword i can't

feel it or use it anymore, i wonder why that is' she practiced for a few more hours till she realized the time and went back knowing that fredric would have arrived to train them. "good morning luminous sensei" "ahh lilith you came back, go to the place we trained at yesterday and start your excesses, the others are already there" "hai sensei" she said and left.
their training went on as normal and duke tenebris had come as well to spar with lilith, which sadly lilith politely refused saying she still has a lot to learn before she can

think of fighting one of the great generals. they had to eat one of those salads again leaving the kids hungry again. lilith really did not understand why there were made to eat this sort of thing for lunch. when they should be eating meat and a lot of protein while training. but she did not ask about it and went along with it. she learnt some new moves from duke luminous and all of them went back, like last night they all had dinner together, yes along with alex this time and he loved the food too. over the

one year passed and liliths routine on the week days was wake up make breakfast for everyone and keep it on the counter so they could have it when they woke up. help and spar with dominic, he was catching up very fast. all of them would have classes from their personal tutors since they were all on different levels. train by herself. train with the others and her sensei, make dinner. eat with everyone then she and mark would head to the library and read books together till one of them passed out while the other would put the one who slept to bed and be the winner for the night. on the week ends they had

a holiday, she would wake up make breakfast. then have fun (though she would not admit it) cooking with lyon, play chess, go, checkers or any other mind game from any culture with alex, spar and solve mystery books with dominic. and make lunch with dominic mark's help. and they would all play some games together, then she would do her usual book reading with mark. she also found out the reason she was not able to use manna with the sword, manna is a living force and when passed into an inanimate object it would die so there was no

way of doing that, so instead she would use the manna in the air around it. the reason others could use manna along with the weapon was because of a special magic tool on the knight/ warriors personal sword, the reason they only had it on their one or two personal swords was because it was quite expensive, so if the weapon does not have the tool they could not use magic with their attacks unless you are using it , you need to use your hands to use your magic so you can't wield a sword and do magic.

lilith had started to use twin sword, which was what she specialized in her previous life. and with her being able to do magic while doing sword play without her personalized manna tool, removed on of the handicaps that most people had making her even more dangerous than she already was with her insane skill. lilith got up today excited, during this time she also came to become more open around the others. to day was the day they would be meeting their spirit guardian, and if she was lucky her spirit guardian would introduce her to her contract beast. she

jumped out of bed and made some french toast and lattes for everyone and put hem on the counter. and went to practice and release some excitement so she could be composed for the ceremony that is held for all children at the age of eleven, mark's was done last year but they could not attend. after dome time she heard some one coming "hey, iris go get ready we are going to leave in an hour." "i'll be right there domino" she started to remember the reason she started calling him that. he was obsessed with any domino recipe.

she got closer to all of them over the year and does not use that many formalities with them any more. she came to the conclusion that as long as she does not do what the villainess did she would be fine till the heroin came and she would not have to distance herself from them.

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