Twenty-Six: Fine Motor Skills

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IF BEAU WANTED ME to fuck his face, by all means, I'd give him what he wanted

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IF BEAU WANTED ME to fuck his face, by all means, I'd give him what he wanted.

His tongue speared inside me, and I used that opportunity and the need for friction to rock my hips up. Pushed further into my pussy, he groaned. And the vibrations from that made me arch my back and swear loud enough that it bounced off the walls of the hotel room.

When I momentarily stilled, Beau's fingertips dug into my hips, urging them to keep going. So I did, working in tandem with his mouth to satisfy the ridiculous amount of desire pulsing within me. He got me to tilt at just the right angle that something on that handsome face of his brushed against my clit repeatedly, and the combination of it all was quickly making me spiral.

With a desperation I barely recognized in myself, I grabbed Beau's hair. But instead of tugging on it, I used it to keep him there. Keep him positioned in just the perfect place while I rocked up over and over.

God, I wasn't sure how long we kept going like that. I wasn't in control of what I was doing anymore; I was chasing a high that I knew he could give me, and I didn't think I'd be able to stop until he did.

There were so many moments when I nearly let go. I was so close. So incredibly close.

And then I cried out his name as all my walls came tumbling down. A burst of pleasure so intense that I saw stars ripped through me, leaving me panting and motionless in the bed.

Beau lifted his head, pushing himself up on one elbow. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before flashing a satisfied grin, and I realized just how much of a mess I was right now. My inner thighs were coated in wet arousal, and my tits were still covered in Beau's cum. The room smelled distinctly like sex, and we hadn't even gotten to that yet.

"You good?" Beau asked, his voice low.

I nodded, trying to catch a breath. "I'm good. You?"

"Good is an understatement." He licked his lips. "I want to live between your legs, baby girl."

"Where do you want me?"

By the mischievous glint in his eyes, Beau seemed to realize that his question was suggestive. Regardless of if he did it on purpose, though, it sent tingles down my spine.

Where did I want you, Beau? There were so many ways to answer that. Generally speaking...but also right now. I didn't think this through very well, how I was going to maneuver us in order to teach Beau how to use the pottery wheel. No matter how we sat, we would have to be close. Very close.

And while I didn't have a problem with that, I was also aware that when I was that close to Beau, sometimes I'd forget to talk. And talking was sort of essential for teaching someone how to do something.

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