Chapter Sixteen.

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He rests his chin on my shoulder and I bite my lower lip. What is he doing?

"A-Aiden?" I have to be sure it's him, I mean I know it's him but I can't believe that this is happening. This was my dream that he'd come and hug me from the back while I cooked and now all of a sudden...

Is this really happening? Or am  I dreaming?

I forget all about my noodles and look down at his arms around my waist, I can feel his warm breath on my neck and it feels good.

"Who else would it be?" He demands, right before pressing his lips on the side of my neck where he left all those bruises yesterday.

I close my eyes upon feeling the warmth of his lips on my bruises. It feels like he's trying to heal them with his lips and I'm not going to lie, it's working.

He starts pressing soft kisses on all the marks there are on my neck and a soft moan escapes my lips. I don't even try to control it. 

He removes his lips from my neck momentarily and presses a kiss on my shoulder.

"Does it hurt?" He asks, softly. I shake my head.

"Not anymore," I reply. He brings his lips back to my neck and presses a few more kisses there before turning me around. 

I can see he's just woken up, his eyes are a little red and he looks adorable with his bed hair. 

I run my hand through his hair trying to detangle it because I can't look at him in the eyes right now. He takes my hand in his and pulls it away from his hair, instead he places it over his chest and wraps his arm around my waist again.

"Why do you care so much for me?" He asks, I look at him avoiding his eyes.

"Because you're my husband," I reply. The aroma of the noodles starts filling the kitchen, he looks over at the pot then turns off the heat before they could burn.

"I've treated you like shit all this time and you still care about me?" He wants to know. 

I nod. What should I say to this? I have no control over my feelings for him.

"Why?" He asks again, I finally look at him in the eyes.

"Because I love you, Aiden," I confess, wasn't it already too obvious?

He keeps looking into my eyes without blinking.

"How can you love me when I never did anything for you?" 

I look away from him, I can't seem to look at him right now. Instead, I fix my eyes on the little scar on his collar bone.

"I don't have any control over my feelings for you. I just love you." I tell him, my voice barely audible but I know he hears me. My cheeks are heating up and I'm sure I'm a blushing mess right now.

"I want to do everything that makes you happy." He says, I look at him.

He's looking at me, but his eyes are not emotionless.

They hold sincerity 

And maybe affection?

"Really?" I ask him, I want to believe in everything he's saying. I hope this isn't a dream.

He doesn't say anything and leans in, I close my eyes but instead of going for my lips he places a kiss on my forehead and pulls away. He brings his hands to my face and caresses my cheeks before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss on my lips. Just a soft, innocent kiss. 

He pulls away and removes his hands from my face.

"You should finish that quickly if you want to get enough sleep." He says, gesturing at the noodles pot. I nod and turn around to take them out in a bowl.

"I'll be upstairs." He says and walks away. I start eating my noodles, I just want to finish them quickly so I can go upstairs and sleep beside him.

I just can't believe what just happened. I mean, he's willing to try, what more can I want?

 I finish my noodles and climb up the stairs after washing the dishes I used. I open our bedroom door, just to find him already asleep, I feel a bit disappointed. I thought we'd talk some more before going to sleep.

I lay down beside him and pull the duvet up to my chest. Just as I close my eyes I feel his arm around me, I open my eyes and look at him. He opens his eyes at the same moment. So, he wasn't sleeping.

"Come here." He whispers. I scoot closer to him without a word. He brings his hand to my face and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Good night, Marilyn." He whispers again, I smile at this and he wraps his arm around my waist again, pulling me as close to him as he possibly can. I snuggle my face in the crook of his neck and close my eyes.

That night I sleep without having doubts about this marriage. I sleep with hopes for a bright future.


"How can you forget to tell me about this, Mrs. Hayes?" He asks me, I dig my nails into my palms to stop myself from crying.

"I-I'm sorry, Sir. I was going to tell you right after the phone call but I-,"

"But you forgot because you were too busy gossiping with your colleagues, am I right?" He cuts me off and asks. He's so damn angry right now I can't even look at him.

But how can I tell him that the reason why I forgot to tell him about the meeting with his business partners was Jason? Right after I received the call, I decided to go and inform Aiden that the meeting was shifted to today, but Jason stopped me and told me to follow him to this cabin. Of course, I refused at first but then he threatened me that he'll talk in front of everyone, and of course, if I had let him do that everyone would've thought that I was having an affair.

I know, I'm weak at times and that's just because I haven't told Aiden about this, I have to be cautious at all times. 

In his cabin, he did what he always does. Beg me to sleep with him and leave Aiden. Or stay with Aiden and have an affair with him.

I'm so freaking sick of him. 

"I'm asking you something." Aiden bangs the desk with his fist making me flinch.

"S-should I call them to reschedule the meeting?" I ask him.

"Are you in your senses, Marilyn? Do you want me to lose my business partners?" He stands up and demands. I shake my head.

"Prepare the material for the meeting right now, I don't want anything missing. If you miss anything, and I mean anything, this will be your last day here. Leave." He points towards the door, I look at him and our eyes meet momentarily. He looks angry, but his eyes...

His eyes soften once he sees tears in my eyes. I avert my eyes and turn around to leave his room.

Once I leave his room, I rub my eyes with my sleeve. I can't let anybody see me cry. I have to do something about Jason. I can't let him harass me like that. I'm a married woman, I'm his boss's wife for god's sake why am I letting him harass me?

I go inside my cabin and sit down on a chair. Now I'll have to work till two p.m, to prepare all the material Aiden sent me for this meeting a few days ago, it was supposed to be a week later and I thought I'd have enough time to prepare it. 

But here I am. I groan in frustration and switch on my laptop.

This morning, we woke up together and got ready for the office. He talked to me at the breakfast table, moments from last night felt like a dream but looking at him talk to me made me believe that everything that happened last night was real.

But I wished he wasn't that professional. The moment we set foot inside the office, he became my boss. Hence all the shouting on me. I know I deserved it, but wishing for something won't hurt anyone. His professionalism is something that makes him this successful and I should be proud of him. I am proud of him.

I wonder if he felt bad while scolding me like that.

Ah, I wonder when I'll be able to see through him just like he said he can see through me.

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