||8|| Torit-what the fuck-suka?

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[outside my house climbing a tree]

I decided to come back inside.. Until I saw something peak out of our mailbox. "Mail?" It was weird, we don't usually get any.  I looked at our mailbox and see a medium-sized card. I open it and see this..

To Kusuo Saiki And Y/n Saiki.

I am somebody who knows you are psychics. 
I am writing this letter because I wanted you to know that I am NOT an enemy,
Instead, I'd like to be your apprentice.
To tell you the truth, I also have unique abilities...
 because of those abilities, I know about both of you.
I'll come to greet you both in person soon. 

-Sincerely, Your faithful servant, Toritsuka Reita.

I completely ignored the part where it said "I am not an enemy" and dashed inside terrified that this person was going to come and murder me and my family

"KUSUOOOOOO"    I ran to our room.
"What happened Y/n?!"


I sat next to Kusuo on his bed and showed him the letter.
"Relax, nothing's going to happen."
"um, how is he like? I mean the person the letter is from."

Kusuo took off his gloves.
Yes. He has gloves. He's always had gloves.
taking them off will allow Kusuo to read the feelings and memories of any person stored in any object. It's called Psychometry.
To prevent seeing the past of literally everything, Kusuo wears the gloves that are invisible to the naked eye.

He was about to touch the letter when I heard a doorbell from downstairs.


"I see! Your house is surprisingly normal." Said the purple-haired freak as he looked around the room as if he'd never seen one before.
yes, That's the nickname I chose for this guy. "Freak".
I was creeped out by the guy, he looked at me from the corner of his eyes in a weird way.
Kusuo was sitting on his revolving chair with his arms and legs crossed.
I was standing behind Kusuo just praying that the freak wouldn't talk or approach me, and why was he wearing  Geta  At this time of year? (Basically wooden flip-flops.)

"what was the point of him sending a letter to us?" I whisper to Kusuo.

"Ah! I just remembered. Sorry! My name is Reita Toritsuka. Nice to meet you, Master and Mistress. Ummm I'm 16 years old. ANYWAYS, I've heard so much about you guys!! The ghosts told me. "

"Ghosts?" I say.
"Yup. OH RIGHT I FORGOT! you both can see ghosts too right??? The ghosts told me~"

"No, That's just me..."  I said upset.
"Hm? What about you, Master?"
"Not at all."

"That's good. I'm seeing about fif-"
"Fifteen ghosts,"  I said, finishing his sentence.
"Oh wait you're right! Just what I'd expect from my mistress!"

Kusuo then asked me, "That many? That sounds large, even for a house party."
"It's not like I can hear the ghosts and ask them why there are so many." I scoffed and waited for the freak to answer instead.
"Oh, They tend to gather in order to observe psychics." Said the freak. "ANYWAYS, TO GET TO THE POINT, MISTRESS AND MASTER, PLEASE MAKE ME YOUR APPRENTICE!!"

I was dumbfounded by the fact that a 16-year-old boy, was calling me "Mistress." boi I'm a freshman- fresh outta MIDDLE SCHOOL.

"Speaking of which, Mistress, let's talk about our abilities more! I'd like to know what you can do related to ghosts."
"Let's not." I say.

he ended up forcing me to have a 2 minute conversation, All my answers to his questions were blunt yes or no's.

Kusuo being kusuo, just ignored us while he read some manga.

"So can you see ghosts?"
"Can you hear them?"
"Can you talk to them?"
"Can you touch them?"
"Can you smell them?"
"Can you Taste them?!"

"Yea, it's annoying how they can't reply though."
"WOOHOOO!!! heheheh, nobody can match up to me."

I guess he was just happy that he was the only person in Japan who could see ghosts.

"Now it's my turn to ask questions."  Kusuo shut his manga and turned to the freak. "How long have you been able to see ghosts?" He asked.

"Well, I've had these abilities since birth. When I was little, I couldn't even tell the difference between humans and ghosts.
Then my grandma told me that ghosts don't have physical forms so you can tell by touching them. I went and hugged her and realized... my grandma is a ghost."

"Oh no... :( "  I said.

"I got upset, so I went to my grandpa to cheer up but... he was a ghost too. SO I STARTED TO hug women randomly, they got really mad at me, even though I was just checking."

"uh-huh, yeah. sure."  I said sarcastically. This guy is a pervert, he knows exactly why he only 'hugged' women.

"This is such an inconvenient power  :_< But I tried to think of ways to somehow make this power useful."

"It's not inconvenient," Kusuo responded. 
"As I said to Y/n, by talking to the dead, you can bring peace to many people." 

"no. I mean like, 'isnt there some way i can make money with this power?" He said with a wicked smirk.
"ah... right...I forgot you were like that."

"THEN I HEARD ABOUT YOU GUYS FROM ONE OF MY GHOST FRIENDS!!! He told me there was a girl who could see ghosts just like me, and she had all sorts of other psychic powers. He also said that she has a brother who has WAAAY more powers than her!"

ah, I see. so that's the ghost who has been stalking me all week long.

"Mistress, please make me your apprentice. AND TEACH ME HOW TO USE PSYCHIC POWERS!"
"Why me? What happened to 'Master'? Plus, you're more powerful with ghosts than me. and you're only gonna turn more perverted."

FINE! you both can read minds right? I'll tell you exactly why I want to have psychic powers."
1. I want to win the lottery
2. I want to become rich
3. I want to have a girlfriend.
4.  I want to see naked girl bodies~

"T-THATS WAY TOO HONEST,"  I yell cause of the fourth reason.

"Also I'm interested in clairvoyance. I wanna flip up girl's skirts too~"

"I've never seen such a low and vile person with such pure eyes...."  Kusuo said.
"Kusuo, tell him to leave..."
"THIS GUY THINKS IT'S TOO EASY BEING A PSYCHIC!"  Kusuo rose from his chair.

"EEK! W-well I think I'll be leaving now-"


"Don't tell anyone about today, got that?" Kusuo said as he kicked the freak out."He won't be coming back any time soon,"   Kusuo reassured me as he pat his hand on my shoulder.
"Kusuo, you forgot to put your glove bac-" 

It was too late,
which means kusuo had already touched my shoulder.
which also means he touched me with his bare hands.

Kusuo could suddenly see all 15 ghosts.
He said with a terrified look on his face:

"You really do have things rough... huh sis..."

✿.。.:* ☆:**:.*.:**:.☆*.:。.✿

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