Chapter 1

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I winced as Uncle hit me across the head, the pain building up, but I couldn't protest otherwise he would hit me again.

"Idiot boy! Can't you do anything properly?"

He was mad at me because I had accidentally dropped a glass when I was washing the dishes. I hadn't done it intentionally, but Uncle wouldn't understand that. He thought every time I did something wrong it was just to annoy him, and he would beat me for it too.

"S-Sorry sir," I stuttered out, trying to apologize, but Uncle just shoved me roughly onto the floor, not caring that it was full of broken glass.

"Clean it! Right now," he shouted, pressing his boot into my back. My knees were in so much pain from where I could feel broken glass pushing into my skin, but Uncle wouldn't let me move. I had no other choice than to start picking up glass with my bare hands.

"I'll be back in fifteen minutes. This floor better be clean enough to eat dinner from by the time I get back." He removed his boot from my back and left the room, and I wouldn't put it past him to actually force me to eat from the floor. He loved to humiliate me, especially in front of other people. My Uncle would play poker with his friends every Friday night until the house filled with the smell of cigarette smoke and cheap booze, and would take his anger out on me with his fists when he lost money.

Listening to the sound of him leave the house, I thought he was probably going to the nearby store to get some more alcohol. I knew it would take him less than 15 minutes to go there and back, so I had to work quickly. Standing up, I pulled the broom out of the closet and began sweeping the glass into a neat pile so I could empty it into the trash.

There was some blood trickling down my leg from where the glass cut me, but I didn't have time to deal with it now as I worked to clean the floor before Uncle came back.

By some stroke of luck I managed to just finish cleaning and put the broom away before Uncle walked through the door. He said nothing to me, inspecting the floor for any dirt. I thought I was off the hook until he bent down to pick up a tiny piece of glass I had somehow missed.

"You missed a spot," he said, and I could tell he was angry. "You hopin' I would walk on this barefoot or something?"

"No sir," I protested.

"You trying to hurt me? Stupid runt!" He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me roughly towards my room. "If you can't even sweep one goddamned floor right, then stay out of my goddamned sight." He shoved me into my room and locked the door behind me.

My arm really hurt from where he grabbed me, his grip was unnecessarily strong, but I was lucky tonight. If his mood was any worse he might have decided to use me as his personal punching bag.

I felt my stomach rumble with hunger. I hadn't been allowed to eat anything today, and Uncle had just sent me to bed with no food either. He hated spending money on me, and would only give me just the bare minimum to survive, calling me a waste of money and space. I didn't even have a bed in my room, instead I had just a pile of blankets to sleep on. In fact calling it a room was generous, it was more like a large closet with a tiny window. I hated living here, every day I had to wake up and face abuse from my only living family member.

But there was nothing I could do. He was legally my guardian, so even if I tried to run away from home the police would just bring me back here, and that would make Uncle madder than ever at me. Besides, I would have nowhere to go anyway. Society looked down on Omegas, especially male ones.

I inspected the wounds on my leg from where my Uncle had shoved me onto the floor. The cuts didn't look deep, but there was dried blood on my leg. I wouldn't even be able to shower tonight, given that I was locked in my room. I took my shirt and shorts off to stop them getting bloody, Uncle would punish me if he had to buy me new clothes.

I looked down at my thin body. Sometimes I resented being an Omega. I was weak and skinny, I couldn't hope fight back against my Uncle, even though he was only a Beta. I was frail from being underfed, and my pale skin bruised easily. I had marks on my skin from where I had been hit that hadn't quite healed yet.

I slipped into my blankets, trying to forget my hunger as I drifted off to sleep.

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