Chapter 3

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The next few weeks were strange. Uncle continued to be distant, eyeing me from across the room whenever he saw me, but not saying anything. It was the longest he'd ever been without hitting me, instead he seemed to be ignoring me. I didn't know what to think of it, I was glad he was leaving me alone but on the other hand it seemed suspicious.

I tried not to think about it too much. Tomorrow would be my 18th birthday and I would be legally an adult. Not that it mattered much. Even if I could leave home now I had nowhere to go, no one would take in an Omega, especially a homeless one, so I would have no money and no way to feed myself.

No one would give me a job anyway even if I had any skills, most businesses were prejudiced against Omegas, society thought we should just stay at home and look after kids. Male Omegas were rare so we had even more prejudice against us.

I lay in bed that night thinking, I wondered how other Omegas met their Alpha. I didn't know anybody else my age, Uncle forbid me from talking to people I didn't know, so I only saw Alphas sometimes from a distance when I was allowed outside. For example in the grocery store when Uncle told me to buy food I would see a couple shopping for themselves and their pup. They looked happy together and I was jealous, I wondered if I would ever be like that Omega with a family of my own.

Just as I could see the sun beginning to rise through my window I heard a door open somewhere in the house. Uncle wasn't usually awake this early, I had a strange feeling something was wrong.

I could hear his footsteps getting closer to my door when he burst into my room and grabbed me harshly by the neck.

"Get up, you useless runt," he shouted, startling me.

Before I could say anything back or register the situation he pulled me to my feet and led me into the bathroom.

"Get showered, now! We're leaving in five minutes," he said, and I didn't know what he was talking about. "And don't waste any of my hot water!"

He left the room and I was confused. Why had he woken me up so early? And why did he want me to shower? I didn't question it further, if I took too long he would be in a worse mood.

I stripped off my modest clothes and stepped into the shower. The water was freezing but Uncle would be able to tell if I used any hot water. I washed my hair and body with soap, then got out of the shower. I was lucky I had washed my clothes just yesterday, otherwise Uncle might be mad at me for looking dirty.

I went downstairs and saw Uncle with his coat on waiting for me. He had several documents in his hand and looked impatient.

"Took you long enough! I'm glad to be rid of you." He muttered that last part under his breath. What did he mean rid of me? Was he abandoning me somewhere?

He grabbed my arm and pulled my outside. I shivered, I didn't own a coat, only the thin T-shirt I was wearing protected me from the wind and it was barely enough. Uncle led me to his car and shoved me in, then he got into the driver's side.

I wasn't usually taken anywhere in the car so this was new to me, but I wasn't excited, I was nervous. Uncle surely realized today was my birthday and he no longer legally had to look after me, so I was terrified he was going to dump me somewhere to die.

After a short drive we arrived at a warehouse. I didn't recognize where it was. The place didn't stand out much between the other industrial buildings next to it and there was no sign on the front telling people what kind of business it was, so I was suspicious.

We pulled up and Uncle got out of the car. He walked over to my door and pulled me out. His grip on my wrist was tight, I could tell he didn't want me to escape.

I was scared as we walked up to the building and Uncle knocked on the door. After a moment, it opened, and a man in a black suit opened it. He looked like security of some kind.

Inside the building was a kind of waiting room. It was lit only by the lights on the ceiling, there were no windows and several unmarked doors that I could only imagine where they led.

Uncle strode over to the front desk where a different man in the same kind of suit was sat.

"Is this the one you were telling me about?" he asked Uncle, but his eyes were definitely focused on me.

"Yes," Uncle said. "I have all his documentation right here."

I recognized the documents he handed over to the man as my birth certificate and other legal documents with my name on.

"You sure this one will be enough to pay off your debt? He looks kinda sickly." The man behind the desk said.

"He's very obedient and domestic, plus he is a rare albino. An alpha might pay a lot of money for him."

The man considered Uncle's words for a moment. "Okay, we'll take him," he said as he shook hands with Uncle.

My eyes went wide at the deal and I whined in surprise. He was selling me like a dog.

Uncle turned to me and looked cross. "What? You're an adult now, and no longer my responsibility. Don't you think I deserve a little back from all the money I spend feeding you and clothing you after my sister decided to die and leave her ugly offspring at my door to take care of for sixteen years? You're lucky I didn't leave you in a ditch somewhere to die."

My eyes began to well up with tears. So this was it, even though life with Uncle was awful it was the only life I knew. I could feel my heartbeat speed up in my chest. I looked around. I didn't want to be sold to these mysterious owners.

In a moment of panic I made a run for the exit, but my weak and skinny body was not fast enough. The security guard who let us in moved even faster as he whacked me on the back of my head. I could feel my vision going dark as I passed out onto the floor, the last thing I heard was Uncle's grim chuckle.

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