21 | Labor

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Being the predator he was, Kyros was a light sleeper. With his advanced hearing on top of that, he knew when Posie got up from bed, shifted, sighed, he could even probably hear her blink.

She's been getting up pretty often in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, the baby very content pushing against her bladder. So, when he heard her get up from bed in the middle of the night, he didn't think much of it.This time, she didn't get back into bed. She was pacing, taking deep breaths, some groans here and there.

Immediately, he was on his feet, by her side. "What's wrong?"

"Umm," she paused with a wince. "I'm not sure."

He grabbed her gently by the shoulders to keep her from pacing and face him. "Posie, what's going on?" He pushed, his direct eyes not leaving hers.

"I'm, um..." she gave him a sheepish smile. "I'm having pains."

The alien nearly lost his mind. "What does this mean? Is the baby okay? Is it coming? What do we do? How do I help? What can-"

"Kyros, breathe please." She cut his rambling off. "I think I'm having contractions, but it could just be Braxton Hicks."

"Who is Braxton?"

"No, it means the contractions could be fake."

He looked at her like she lost her mind. "How can contractions be fake?"

"Just trust me, okay? We just have to wait it out." She lightly grabbed his jaw and drew him close for a peck on the lips. "I'm going to stay in for breakfast."

He wanted to pester her further on her pain, but he refrained. Relenting, he sighed. "It's about that time, isn't it?" He yawned, noticing the sun was just beginning to rise. "I'll bring you something up."

She waved him off. "Don't worry about it until after your 'meeting.' You have more important things to worry about." She told him, referring to John.

"I really don't. Nothing more important than you." He told her, his nose scrunched. "I don't want to leave you while you're in pain."

"I'll be fine, I promise."

He eyed her, hesitant on leaving. "Don't have our baby while I'm gone, okay?" He joked, but there was a tad of seriousness to his tone. "Let me know if you need anything."

"It won't happen that fast, Kyros." She laughed. "But I will."

Just when she thought she'd get some peace and quiet for the next few minutes, her husband must have sent dumb and dumber to keep an eye on her.

With a quiet knock, Crid peeked his head into the room. "You okay, Posie?"

"The baby here yet?" Vehmon asked just as cautiously. Their king did warn them of her mood swings and to tread carefully.

"I'm okay," she chuckled.

The boys made a strange face at her and looked away.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she asked, "what is it?"

Vehmon shuffled his feet, looking like he just got 2nd hand embarrassment. "Did... did you... and it okay if you did- we won't tell. It could happen, it could be normal for all we know. Won't be upset if you did, maybe it happens to pregnant women-"

"Did you pee yourself?" Crid cut off his brother's nervous rambling.

"What?" She asked, shocked. "No, why- oh, oh." She gasped, stepping out of the little puddle of water on the floor.

Arranged to the Alien Where stories live. Discover now