You Lied To Me.

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I stand up from my position and walk forward.

"What do you want Fiona? Can't you see we're busy here?"

"Oh Mason baby, is that the correct way to greet me?"

My jaw tenses.
"Listen Fiona, I don't have time for this. You need to get the fuck out of here."

"Oh I will honey, but....I don't think we've been acquainted yet." She gestures towards Zara, who was standing right next to me.

She walks forward, mustering up her best fake smile and extends her hand towards Zara.
"You must be Zara. I'm Fiona Anderson....Mason's Wife of 7 years, adding emphasis on the word wife.

Zara puts on her best smile, so good you'd doubt it's fake. "Yes....Fiona. Mason's told me so much...about you." But not returning her handshake.

Fiona takes back her hand hesitantly, and looks down at her belly.
"Well, I'd love to stay and chat but....dinner won't make itself. Oh and, congratulations on your pregnancy, Zara. A baby is a precious thing. Wouldn't want something to happen to it, now would we?"

At this point I was enraged. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now. Before I do something I'll regret."

She looked back at me, and back at her. And turned the other way with Chrissy on her side, back to their car.


Not one person dared to say anything. The mood was totally ruined.

"Alright everyone, I think we should go home and try to register this hectic day yeah? I think we've had too much fun for one day."

Everyone agreed and walked out, not before sending us ....well more like Zara....looks of sympathy and some coming over to hug her and thank her for a good party.
When everyone was gone, she left me and went into the house.


After all this time. He had a fucking wife. A. Fucking. Wife. I couldn't breathe and I felt like the walls were closing in on me. This pain was a different kind of pain, one that shoots through your entire body. I was struggling to stand up and I landed on all fours, trying to regulate my breathing. Mason raced in, worry and fear in his eyes as he tried to help me.

His efforts did nothing as I blacked out in his arms.


The strong smell of ammonia and medicine woke me up, and I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the all white room I was lying in. IV drips connected to my arm with a heart monitor on my right.
Memories of .....however long ago it was came back to me and my hand immediately went down to my belly. I breathed a sigh of relief when I touched my belly and felt my bump, still as big as can be.

Thank God.

Soon after, the doctor walked in. A short, stubby eccentric man with thick glasses introduced himself as Dr. Jones.

"Well, Ms Campbell, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, the little one is still healthy as ever. The bad news passed out from stress and had a bad panic attack. You were also slightly dehydrated, so we had to give you a dehydration mixture to regulate your water levels."

"Uhm, doctor? How long have I been out?"

He looked at me sympathetically, and adjusted his glasses. "For about 2 weeks. Your body experienced a major amount of shock and I guess you needed more time to recuperate, especially since you're pregnant."

My mouth made an O shape, no words coming out.
"Uh...thanks Doctor."

"You're welcome. You have a visitor, his name's Alex. Should I bring him in."

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