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Meenakshi's POV

I went out of the store room and locked the door from outside and went to the kitchen to see that the sink was filled with the unwashed dishes. Then, it clicked to me that I didn't do the dishes that day and was busy in doing the dishes.

Then, I collected the clothes from all the rooms and washed them. By the time, I was done with all the work my back started aching very badly. I felt very sweaty with all the work, so I had a bath and again got busy with the cooking.

As I was in the kitchen, my mother in-law called me as some of our neighbour's daughters came to their maternal homes to celebrate the festival. I greeted them and served them with the festival special delicacies and again got busy in the kitchen.

All those women in the living room were almost my age and I saw them from my childhood. When they all went to their schools, I stayed in the house doing the household chores, when they were all playing, I watched them from the window enviously.

Whoever passed their 10th standard, they went to the college and whoever their  failed 10th standard, they got married. But all of them had loving families. Seeing them wearing such beautiful sarees and jwellery made me feel very envious.

My mother in-law and grandmother in-law had a lot of jwellery which was gifted to them by their parents. Even Sudha had a lot of jwellery. My father in-law, my husband, my brother in-law and even my children had more gold than me.

The gold jwellery, I had was my nuptial chain and a ring which was given to me by my in-laws as it's mandatory for married woman to have. It was given to me when I was 10 years old and after growing up, the ring became very tight, so my grandmother in-law took me to a gold smith and asked the goldsmith to resize the ring to my size.

I had a pair of ear tops which my parents bought for me when I was 5 years old before my mother passed away which I always wore. My mother had a lot of jwellery, in all her photos, she looks like a goddess with so much jwellery, my father always said that I should wear all the jwellery on my wedding but after my father's death, I lost my father's property and my mother's jwellery.

On the wedding of Sudha and Surya, I was embarrassed to go the wedding hall. Generally, I stayed at home, so it didn't bother me much but on that day, everyone wore beautiful sarees and gold jwellery which made me feel miserable. Even my husband and my children got ready like it's their wedding and I was embarrassed to go to the wedding without any jwellery.

My mother in-law brought me a really beautiful saree but I only had my nuptial chain, ring and the ear tops which my parents bought. But as we were all getting ready in our home to go to the wedding hall, my mother in-law gave a huge set of gold jewellery which I gladly accepted as I always loved gold jewellery.

That was the first wedding in our family after our wedding. As our's was a simple wedding, our in-laws wanted atleast their other son to have a grand wedding and even Sudha's parents wanted a grand wedding for their only daughter.

Their wedding was very special to me as I got to wear so much jwellery and also clicked a lot of photos and everyone complimented me on that day. But, after the wedding, my mother in-law took the jwellery from me which disappointed me.

I wanted to atleast have a small gold necklace of my own. I wanted the freedom to wear it whenever I want without anyone taking them back.

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